Brave Prince | Teen Ink

Brave Prince

November 15, 2012
By KnightMare BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
KnightMare BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no distinction between lovers and fighters. If you truly love something you will fight for it.

His world was ideal. His world was the center of everyone else's. He was rather girlish looking for a seven year old boy. Prince Soren had long curly brownish almost blond hair. He wore a robe that made him seem feminine as it was adorned with jewels and trim. Despite being the son of the greatest king to ever bless Iliyana and having an entire kingdom adoring him and protecting him at every turn he wanted the unthinkable of a prince. He wanted to be a mercenary. Ever since the day he met Beezyl, a wandering soldier. Beezyl was an odd man of about 18 years. He had crimson red hair and fire red eyes. He wore a green headband and had rather sharp teeth with pointy ears that made him look like an overgrown imp. He saved the prince from an assassin who had infiltrated the kingdom. When Soren approached him he attempted to thank the man. Beezyl merely snarled, "Thanks little girl." Soren seemed angered. He hated when people called him a girl, or any variation of cute. "I'M NOT A GIRL!" Beezyl shrugs seeming not to care about the prince's outburst. "Real men don't thank each other. Real men just return the favor." Soren nods rapidly. "Well one day when I am king you'll be repaid in full." Beezyl laughs out loud. "So your that type, huh?" Soren seems confused now. "What do you mean that type?" Beezyl shrugs his shoulders once more as he searches for the words. "The type of man who thinks slinging a little gold can fix all of his problems. A real man takes control of his world using his own two hands." Soren gives Beezyl a look that is unusually fierce for a kid. "A real man huh? Maybe I'll repay you by living up to your expectations. Since you gave me a second chance I'll become a man, the kind that takes matters into his own two hands." Beezyl seems impressed. "A man huh? When you surpass me I'll acknowledge you." Beezyl hands Soren the headband that he was wearing. As Beezyl walks away Soren uses it as a scrunchie to tie his hair back into a ponytail. "I'll become strong. I'll surpass him and anyone who gets in my way!" A few days later Beezyl and his band of exotic mercenaries returned to town. Soren had pleaded with the guards to let his friend into the castle. The guards falling prey to the cute prince's charm opened the gates to Hell. Beezyl and his team had looted the town and moved into the castle. Before the guards could react the storm was upon them. A futile battle was fought and the capitol of Iliyana was overtaken. Beezyl had been paid by a greedy noble to destroy the crown so he himself could rule. This man was named Avaricious. He ordered the mercenaries to leave no survivors. Soren's father ordered him to escape but instead he ran to meet Beezyl. "YOU! I bet your gonna kill me to huh?" Beezyl shook his head. "Not when you still have to keep your promise to me. Become a real man. The type of man who can change the world with his own two hands." Beezyl walks away leaving Soren standing in the rubble that was once his life. "Become that man, Prince Soren." Beezyl led his soldiers to report back to Avaricious. Soren has ever since vowed to surpass Beezyl and take his kingdom back.

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