3 Lost Wishes | Teen Ink

3 Lost Wishes

December 4, 2015
By warhawks11 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
warhawks11 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who aggravate me. I am the only one working against them. Three lost wishes with pain under their skin and worries on my mind. Three up against a million dreams in my heart. Three optional wishes here to revive me. From my imagination I can see them, but my genie says to be specific but his wicked mind has other thoughts.

His mysteries are locked up. He twists the wishes to the opposite of what I conceived. They turn around and they search through and grasp my spirit between lost wishes and broken thoughts and look to the sky and never quit their crisis. This is how he plays.
Outside of his actions of cruelty, my wishes had crumpled up into a snowball, gaining mass as it tumbles. Yes, yes, yes shouts the genie as I cringe. He chuckles.
When I am too proud and too mangled to keep watching, when I am dealing with my dilemma up against the brick wall of my house. When all there is, is the absence of my wishes. Three wishes that collapsed despite my true requests. Three who rock and don’t fall against me. Three who’s only reason is to complete me.

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