Ran Right to the Beginning | Teen Ink

Ran Right to the Beginning

October 23, 2015
By Anonymous

I sat and pondered for a long time about what I should do. After my mom yelled at me, I felt like the more I thought about it, the more I felt the need to leave. She had never yelled at me in that way before. It would always be for little things like not putting the dishes away, or doing the laundry every Friday. I'm her only child, I thought. I mean I WAS her only child. I reached for my laptop that was sitting not to far from me, and I looked for the next affordable plane ticket that I could make to Florida.

I found it! 300 dollars. It was pretty expensive but oh well I had no other choice. I had to hurry up and pack my belongings. I packed about enough for a month at least. I was leaving tomorrow at 12am to get to the airport by 1am. I stepped on the plane, thinking about what I did and how I could never make it up to my mom. The flight soon pulled off, and I was in the air, half way there before I knew it. It felt great to be so far away from my mom. Knowing that I was safe up here with the fluffy, white clouds made me comfortable. We landed, I was there. I stepped off and went to the waiting area. I had to think about where i was going to go next. I figured it out after waiting for aboout forty-five minutes. I'm going to go to my old best friend's house. Jonson moved out here a couple years ago. He lives on 4566 Dream Lane; I just have to find a way to get there. I pulled out some extra money to get on a taxi because I had no clue where I was going. I eventually got there and I was more than happy. I felt a feeling of relief overcome me like a gigantic wave. I knocked on the door 5 times. Nobody answered. I knocked again, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG. Still, no one answered the door. I soon heard a tiny old woman's voice. I figured it was his mother or grandmother; however she came and opened the door and it was my great grandmother. I had a startled look when I saw her perfectly arranged wrinkles to match with her age. I was confused to why she was here. My great grandmother and Jonson's mom had never got along so something was really fishy here. She asked me how I had gotten there and if I was by myself or not. She told me my mother was worried about me because I ran away, and that this is the first place that she thought I had run to; so she called great grandmom. Jonson wasn't there, but a bunch of my other family members were there. I didn't know that Jonson moved again, he didn't tell me either. Mother called a couple hours later saying that she'd be here to come pick me up the next morning. I was so upset. I could've just died right then and there, but I couldn't. It was like I had ran right back to the beginning. When my moom arrived at Nana Pearl's house, I quickly dragged my things and rushed out of the house. I didn't like it there, it was scary, mildewy, and it smelled like old people perfume. Mother decided to get a rental car and drive all the way back to Atlanta. I figured that she wanted to do that so that she could talk about what caused her to yell at me the way she did. On the way back home, I thought long and hard about how I would apoligize. I came to te conclusion that the reason I ran, wasn't even that serious, and I was just upset. I parted my trembling lips to explain to her how sorry I am and that I'd never do anything like that again. She cut me off bfore I could even finish and said, "Baby, I don't need an apology, I just need you to never do that again, Ok? I love you". I realized that I should've never left home and that I didn't belong away from home or my mother. Running away from home was hurting my mother more than what she yelled to me about. I really did miss her and my room on the inside anyway, so i'm just glad to be on my way back home. THE END.

The author's comments:

This peice was inspired by a dream that I had a couple years ago

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