The Five Elements | Teen Ink

The Five Elements

October 9, 2015
By J.A.L.S BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
J.A.L.S BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
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Favorite Quote:
I f you worry about the past, you will miss the GREATEST things in the present.

     In the wood of the forest a baby girl was born. Five other babies were born at the same time and day, but different places. The five babies were born in fire, water, wood, air, and earth they all had powers, but the baby girl who was born in the wood region didn't have powers. The baby girl was named Fawn and the five baby boys were named Sean, Bryce, Novah,Ethan, and Riley. Sean was the fire baby he was strong, brave, and loving everyone in the fire region new he was the one. Bryce was the earth baby sweet, caring, and got all of the attention he had a brother who hate that he got all the attention but his brother knew why. Ethan was the baby of water he was shy, blushed a lot, and got attention too, but he didn’t like it he was also was the one. Novah was the baby of air shy also, but was brave and got attention too because he was the one. Riley was the baby of wood, mean, sometimes grumpy all the time, cried when he was first born. Now Fawn was different she had no powers and didn’t get attention, but always wanted it she knew she was the one too, but no one agreed.

Fawn asked her mom two questions, “Mom I have two questions for you. One, what does “The One” mean and two, why does everyone have powers and I don’t?”
“The One is when six babies were chosen by the god to be the heroes. You don’t have powers because you are special.” Her mom answered Fawn.
Well I don’t feel special because I don’t get as much attention as the other kids with powers Fawn thought.
“Now remember dear, only people with power are the one, except the sixth one. The sixth one doesn’t have powers. Wait you don’t have so that means. Be right back okay.” Her mother said to Fawn, and left to talk to the rulers of each element, but her mother was the queen of all of them.
Her mother’s name was Eli the queen of all five elements. Elli and Fawn traveled a lot because Eli had to check on the elements. Each element she met a sweet guys their names were Sean, Bryce, Novah, Ethan, and Riley. She loved to visit the elements she got to to meet her only five friends the rest of the kids thought she was a freak because she didn’t have powers. She like to hang out with them because they were sweet, funny, kind, thoughtful, and they were guys. The guys liked her back because she was the princess of elements and they thought there was something different about her besides her not having powers. Fawn and the guys went to the middle, the middle is where all the elements connected, they went there each day at 10:00 pm because everyone was asleep except them. Each time they went there they  had a connection and had fun. When fawn was going to the middle she found a staff that glowed every time she went close to it. She would pass it and she wanted to grab it, but she didn’t know what it was.
“Mom every time I pass a staff when I go to the middle it glows. Do u know anything about it?” She asked her mom the next day.
“Ummmmm, well the prophet states that whoever passes the staff and it glows is the one.” Her mom answered to Fawn.
“So I am the leader of the ones, so I’m not powerless. Hey mom can I tell you something?” Fawn asked with a face with excitement, but scared and confused.
“Sure, what is it are you sick, do you need help?” Mom asked with a ton of questions.
“No I'm fine, but every time I go to the middle with Sean, Bryce, Ethan, Novah, and Riley we have a bond that is different” Fawn said to her mother.
“Oh, well you guys are friends. Wait you have been going to the middle without me or your servants?” Mother asked Fawn with anger in her tone of voice.
Fawn like the four year old she is. She knew she was in trouble so she had to do something. “Mom I’m so sorry please don’t break me and my best friends up please!”
“ I don't know what to say about this you are in trouble, and your so called best friends are all guys you need a girl that can be your friends, so you can't go to the middle and you can only talk to your guy friends when I am with you ok?” Fawn mother said with a serious face on.
Fawn started to bawl her eyes out because her guy best friends are special to her. Her mom had to calm her down so she can get rest for her birthday tomorrow turning five, and so was Sean, Bryce, Ethan, Novah, and Riley because all six of them were born on the same day and same time.
“Go to bed it is a big day for you your getting so big. When you turn thirteen I will let you be on your own. Also when you turn thirteen you get to go outside of the border.” Her mother Eli said.
“Cool the border I always wanted to go outside the border. What about Sean , Bryce, Novah, Ethan, and Riley. It is their birthday too remember we were born on same day same time.” Fawn corrected her mother.
“I know they can go if there parents will let them. They are the one remember that sweetheart we don't exactly know if you're the one yet” Her mother said and kissed Fawn on the cheek.
I know I am the one I have a feeling a really good one people don't believe me, but Sean, Bryce, Novah, Ethan, and Riley think I am the one too. I say we are the six pearls together make one staff. Wait does that mean it glows because… Fawn thought before she got interrupted by something that fell. She was curios and got up to check it out and said, “Anyone there it is past 10:00 you are supposed to be asleep you lost?”
“I am not lost I was actually looking for you Fawn. My sweet enemy when you wake up you will see something. when you turn thirteen you will see me and we will have our battle when you learn you are the one also the middle one. Goodbye Fawn.” A strange person well it looked like a person but with a horn a unicorn horn.
“Wait what's your name boy.” Fawn asked, but he never answered, he just left. She knew he was a boy because she saw the boy didn't have a shirt on, but she didn't see the face.
“What are you doing up dear I told you to go to bed you need your sleep Fawn.” Her mom came to check to if Fawn was ok. Eli was a very worried mom.
“Sorry I thought i heard something, so I got up to look, okay, I’m fine I will go back to bed now bye good night love you.” Fawn said without telling her who was here.
“Okay night I love you too.” Eli said back to her daughter. There is something wrong I hope he isn't here to battle. Wait not him. I battled him his son might fight. I hope Fawn didn't meet him yet. Fawn's mother, Eli, thought.
I feel like I should of told her that someone was here and wanted to battle when I am thirteen. I need to tell Sean, Bryce, Novah, Ethan, and Riley, so they can know what is happening. Well i'm turning five when I'm ten i will tell them. When I actually understand more. now i am tired. Fawn thought and fell asleep, for her birthday was the next day.
She woke and saw that there was a tiny present. She thought is was from her mother, but it wasn't. She read the note it said to Fawn from the person you saw at night. She felt pain on her whole body she was five so it was really hard not to cry it was like she was getting shot all over her body, so she open the box and there was a note she read it.
It said, Hi Fawn you saw me yesterday at night sorry I didn't want to wake you up, but I just want to say in this box is the one’s weakness, so if you are in pain your are the one. It's good that you don't have powers because you will find a staff and six pearls. My name is the Rainbow Unicorn I was born when you were born goodbye this isn't for me this is for my father I am sorry.                               From your enemy The Rainbow Unicorn.
“MOM! HELP I'M IN PAIN PLEASE HURRY!” Fawn said with pain in her whole body.
“WHAT! Where did you get that OW this hurts give it to me now!” Fawn’s mother demanded and her mother grabbed it and threw it outside, and said to the guards, “ Take the rock to a far out place past the borders I have to erase her memory til’ she is thirteen okay?” Eli said with demand to the guards.
“Mom what's wrong mom  mom mom mom mom mom I’m scared mom please what's wrong.” Fawn said with a worried face and a scared voice.
“Nothing i am going to erase your memory okay you won't remember this til’ your thirteen okay? Dear you need to trust me.” Her mother told Fawn.
“Okay.” Fawn said with an unsure look on her face.
Her mom looked at her and she put one hand on her head, and a light glowed on her head. Her thoughts was no more than being afraid, For I am five today thirteen will come and i will get my memories back from this day and…  she couldn't think of anything else because her mom had already erase her memories from this morning.
The days went on like nothing was wrong. She did had to get more memories taken because her mom keep telling her about the rock each time she passed a Crystal Rock. The Crystal Rock was everywhere outside the border, but she couldn't go pass the border til she was thirteen. She loved her birthdays because she gets to see her friends Sean, Bryce, Novah, Ethan, and Riley. The days went passed birthdays. Also each birthday she got a note from The Rainbow Unicorn she didn't know who that was, but she never told her mom because she knew something was going to happen.
After nine years passed she was thirteen, well not yet she was turning thirteen  tomorrow on a day that makes her life happy, but she never knew that she was getting her memory of when she was five.
She was talking to her mom about her birthday, “Hey mom for my birthday do you really mean that I am going to pass the border?”
“Yes you do when you were five i told you could so i don't have to treat you like a baby anymore.” Her mother answered.
“Yes! I am glad I have friends and family like you guys. Since I am turning thirteen does that mean me Sean, Bryce, Novah, Ethan, and Riley are going to the border together right?” Fawn said with excitement.
“Yes. I talked to their parents and they said it was fine to them. You can do whatever you want, and I have to show you tomorrow something special on your birthday okay?” Her mother said with sadness and a scared look on her face.
“Okay, and today you can go to the middle with Sean, Bryce, Novah, Ethan , and Riley I also told their parents this so you're fine. You are a group of friends born on the same day you need your bond for tomorrow. Okay?” Her mother said with glee.
“Okay.” Fawn said with glee too.
It is 10:00 pm time for Fawn to meet her friends at the middle again.  On her way she saw a staff glow, it like she knew what it was for, and who it was going towards, but she ignored it. By the time she got close to the middle she found a cute pearl so she picked it up, and got to the middle.
“Hey look what I found Fawn what do you think of it?” Sean showed Fawn the pearl he also showed Bryce, Novah, and Ethan.
“Hey I have one too.”Bryce said. Novah, Ethan, Sean, and Riley had one too.
“I have one too that is strange uh let's keep them till tomorrow okay guys?” Fawn said with curiosity.
They all said okay and they left, for they day coming up was just the beginning.
Today thirteen going out of the border. Uh where is the box that unicorn guy gives me each birthday. That is strange. I still don't know what he looks like oh well. Fawn thought to herself
“Happy Birthday dear. Thirteen you ready for your important thing I told you yesterday remember?” Her mother said with glee and sadness
“Yes mother. What are you going to do?” Fawn asked
“I will give memories back to you from when you were five I  had take them away for a reason until you got to be thirteen okay.” Her mother explained.
“Okay.” Fawn said. She wasn't afraid because it might have to do with Rainbow Unicorn.
Her mother grabbed her head and took the memories out of her mother's head from when Fawn was five and put them back where they truly belong.
“Ow that hurt and really why do I have to battle?” Fawn said to her mother.
“Bause Rainbow unicorns dad wanted to battle and I said no, but he almost killed me and I had  a boy save me, and killed him that is how I met your father. Now his son wants revenge. I am sorry I got you in this mess.” Her mother explained to Fawn.
“It is okay I get to be like you and dad.” Fawn told her mother with a smile and hugged her mother. That means I am the real chosen and Sean, Bryce, Novah, Ethan, and Riley are my power yes I knew I had powers,so I am special in their eyes and my family.  Why do I have to battle oh well I have to tell my friends they’re my power. Fawn thought to herself.
“We need to find the staff and the pearls.” Her mother said.
“I found the staff and we all have one perl, so yea we have everything I need to go tell them we need to practice out of the border okay?” Fawn asked.
“Okay, but…” Fawn's mother said but she couldn't finish her sentence because someone stopped her.
“So you agree to battle with me Fawn, but your a beautiful girl.” A guy said.
It was true that she was a beautiful girl all the guys wanted to be her king, but she said no to most of them. She was a strawberry blond haired girl with freckles. She was nice, she was a great singer, but know one knows except her friends. She showed most of the thing that she is good at to her friends and know one else. she trust them that's what is what friends are for.
“Show yourself I know who you are why do you want to battle Rainbow Unicorn.” Fawn said to Rainbow Unicorn.
He came out of the shadows he was so handsome, blond, abs, he also has a love spell that can make anyone fall in love with him, but he never put the love spell on Fawn she never knew he didn't even know either. His rainbow horn had his powers from his father.
“I am truly sorry for what I am doing, but we will have our battle in three weeks.” He told Fawn, and then he put a love spell on everyone except Fawn, Sean, Bryce, Novah, Ethan, and Riley. Fawn didn't know why he did that, but she knew she had to get it write.
Why my mother had to or she would of died from your father and my father killed him not my mother he died so why get revenge when my father is died. Fawn thought almost to cry.
He heard her thoughts and thought to himself and thought I don't want to fight i actually love you but my father is more important than a silly girl. He left and didn't do anything to tell her good luck even though he loved her.
Time to go get my powers Fawn thought to herself and left to go to the middle to see her five guy friends, and grabbed the staff and her pearl went into the middle.
By the time she got to the middle and saw her powers the pearls went on the sides of the staff, and they all were levitating and the staff made them dress differently. The guys all had black tucks and their powers came out of there hands they had strength more power than they could ever have. Fawn was wearing a white dress, and her hair down straight she looked like an angel. The staff went in her hands and she knew she was ready, she still had to find some things out.
Each day it was like a new idea, way, or even knew tricks. The Rainbow Unicorn taught himself to mind control. The guys grew stronger, and Fawn had to think how to talk The Rainbow Unicorn out of the battle. She also sang more, but not in front of the town.
“Hey, do you think we will win the battle.” Sean asked.
“I don't know yet maybe, maybe not. I guess we need to find out in a week.” Fawn said to the guys.
They all said okay and went back to training themselves.
A day before the battle. They all worried especially Fawn, she didn't know how to control the powers yet, so she practiced until she figured it out. All she had to do was ask the staff to use the powers so had.
“Fire staff!” She asked, and it worked the guys were mind blown she was the powerfulest out of them all even out of her own mother. She was the one who would save them all. She was worried that she would hurt and actually kill The Rainbow Unicorn, but it was her duty her job to do what was right, but it didn't feel right to any of them so they talked about it.
“This doesn't feel right his father is dead and my father is dead. What does he want more out of us?” Fawn said with a tear that came out of her eye just one tear.
“Yea I mean your father saved your mother so they got married, and your father died from…” Bryce didn't want to go on because he thought he would make fawn cry into tears.
“He died from me when I was born he died for no reason I started to cry when I saw him drop dead on the floor.” She started to bawl her eyes out in tears, but then when they hugged her they were lifted up and then her tears came up and put into the guys bodies and they got even more powerful. The staff got bigger and the pearls got bigger and fawns long strawberry blond hair grew longer.
“Woah dude this is cool it is like I am use to my power.” Novah said and did a winter ball and it tore a redwood tree, biggest tree on earth.
“Woah I wonder what i can do.” Sean said and did a shield of fire never knew he had it in him.
“Me too lets see what i can do with wood powers.” Riley grew a tree that had powers of healing in it.
“Wow you guys can practice somewhere okay I will stay here and learn more about the staff to see if there was any more things I don't know about, okay?”  Fawn told them all, and they agreed and left to where she was in peace.
Okay let's see what this staff can do She thought to herself, “Okay staff healing.” it healed a dead animal that was near her. She didn't even know the animal was even there. She started to giggle. Why is the earth pearl not glowing that much. She thought with a worried face. She noticed that Sean and Novah were carrying Bryce, and Ethan and Riley was going faster so they could tell Fawn what happened.
“Fawn! Sean on accidently caught Bryce on fire and he is not breathing.” Ethan said with deep breaths after each word.
“Okay give him to me.” Fawn said. She didn't know what she was doing, but she did know what she was doing, so she took the staff and put it on Bryce’s chest, and thought of the saddest thing. She started to cry it hit his chest and his earth pearl healed him.
“Ow… that hurt.. wait I thought I died what am I doing where am I in heaven.” Bryce said with a surprised look on his face. Then everyone hugged him. “Ow ow ow ow that hurts.” Bryce told them and they stopped, but he liked the hugs so he grabbed them and said. “To happy to be in pain. I am glad I am with you guys.”
“Not for long you guys can't defeat me, but you do have powers I have never seen, yet I like a challenge.” Rainbow Unicorn whispered in the darkness and left quickly because he found out he had speed.
Fawn felt weak and noticed that the crystal rock was on his chest, and she told them, “My weakness it the crystal rock maybe his weakness is losing the Crystal Rock.”
“Yea I just noticed that he had the crystal rock on his chest, maybe if we take it will just lose his powers, and not kill him.” Novah told them.
“It is getting dark everyone come on tomorrow is a big day. The day we battle.” Fawn told them and went to the middle and sleep because that was a safest place.
Why do I have to fight them I love her but instead I am fighting her and her friends. Her father did die we she was born how sad she never knew her father, and I did know my father. I feel like my father is still alive. The Rainbow Unicorn thought to himself.
“You know I am still alive. I have just been hiding for awhile. and I don't want you to fight them I want you to KILL them, and don't use my name use your real name Ryker.” The real Rainbow Unicorn told his son.
"What how long have you been alive, and why do I have to fight them I love Fawn!" Ryker said to his father the Rainbow Unicorn.
"For awhile I have been watching you rage then be happy because you love Fawn, but I had to tell you that they killed your father, but you caught my powers, and told yourself Fawn father was dead too." The Rainbow Unicorn told Ryker.
"Well you're alive, why fight?"Ryker asked his father.
"Because I loved Fawn's mother, but she didn't love me back so I wanted to fight her because I loved her but she didn't love me back, but Fawn's father came in and took the crystal rock out of my chest so I had to fake a death." The Rainbow Unicorn explained to Ryker.
"You know Fawn's father is dead right?" Ryker told his father.
"Really how did he die?" Ryker's father asked him.
"He died when Fawn was born." Ryker explained.
“Okay, but I still want a battle between you guys i want to see who will win. Now go to bed because tomorrow is your battle. Goodnight.”  Ryker’s father told him and left the castle and flew to a mountain.
“Yeah goodnight.” Ryker said with ashamed.
Okay now let me think of how i will take the crystal rock away from him. Maybe i should throw off his balance and then take my staff and pop it off. yeah that will work out perfectly. Fawn thought to herself and fell asleep, for the battle started tomorrow.
The next day is here nice and fresh, but the battle is also here. Three weeks goes by fast.
“Morning wake up get up come on we have to meet. Wait where do we meet? He never told us where to meet him at.” Ethan screamed and woke everyone up.
“I guess we stay here until he comes, and while we wait let's take five more minutes.” Sean said and yawning and fell to the ground.
“NO, we have to get ready so we won't lose now get up okay come on ugh you are very heavy. Jeez you need to lose a few.” Fawn said and trying to pick up Sean from the ground.
“She is right, come on let’s just make sure everything is working and she knows what she is doing.” Bryce told everyone and got Sean up.
They practiced for a bit, and they all learned something new at the last minute. they practiced their new moves. Sean made a fire shield, Bryce got healing powers, Novah got force powers, and Ethan got water minions powers. Fawn had to learn how to control these new powers. the staff got bigger, and so did the pearls, and the pearls got some chinese symbols. the symbols were fire, water, air, and nature. The middle pearl had a symbol which meant powersource.
“Okay everyone ready? Fawn you got everything under control?” Ethan asked everyone and Fawn.
“Well what is the plan anyway Fawn?” Sean asked Fawn.
“Well the plan is you guys will distract him, and i will take the staff, pop the rock off his chest. i thought of it last night.” Fawn told everyone.
Ryker popped out of nowhere and said, “Well, this is where you want to meet. not bad it is spacious. I like it, so let's get started. Ladies first.”
Fawn grabbed her staff, and nodded at the guys, and said, “NOW!”
Sean and Novah put a shield around Fawn. Fawn got closer to Ryker, and took the staff to his chest. Fawn looked at him his face was i am sorry face. Then he grabbed the staff and she got weak because he hugged her and her weakness is the crystal rock
“I am so sorry.” Ryker whispered to Fawn.
“I am sorry too, and…” Fawn didn't finish because she fell to the ground.
“NO! Grab her Bryce, and RIley heal her NOW! I will take care of him.” Sean told Bryce and Riley, and made a fire ball and threw it at Ryker, but he missed he did it so many times and missed over and over again. He was weak for how much power he had.
“Okay, I will use up my healing powers. Okay stand back.” Bryce told the rest of the guys, and his hands turn green and was put on Fawn's body, but she woke up and stopped him.
“Don’t. I got this trust me.” Fawn told Bryce. She grabbed the staff and hugged Ryker, and said to him, “I know your pain. I am sorry.” She yanked the stone off the chest of Ryker, and pushed  him off the ledge. “I am truly sorry, but it is for my father.” Fawn said and looking down and turned away crying.
Then something happened, someone said, “How could you he loved you, and you try to kill him.”
“Who are you?” Riley asked.
“I am the true Rainbow Unicorn.” The Rainbow Unicorn told them. “And your father didn't die when you were born i killed him. Your mother put a memory of someone else she was going to tell you, but she never did. “
When Fawn took the Crystal Rock out of Ryker’s chest the love spell was broken so Fawn's mother came running to the middle, and heard everything and said to Fawn, “I am sorry honey I was going to tell you, but I never wanted you to know.”
“It is okay, but the thing that I hate is how he killed my FATHER!” Fawn said and took the staff got mad. She was lifted up by the the staff her eyes were white and glowing. She said with rage. “How dare you you kill my father I never knew him that much. If you loved my mother you would've just told her. Then i wouldn’t be mad and more powerful than before so it's time.” Her eyes glowed even more than before. When she made eye contact with The Rainbow Unicorn. When she looked she killed him. So she said, “Now we are even.”
“So, I guess it is over now.” Riley said.
“It is sad too Ryker loved me, but he is gone too. Let us go celebrate.” Fawn told everyone, and they all agreed.
“I am alive!”

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the myself. I was thinking of the elements in the world, so I mixed some things up and made my own story. Thank You.

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