The Tale of Brave Jack | Teen Ink

The Tale of Brave Jack

April 28, 2015
By TheDust BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
TheDust BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
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Jack was a young boy in a village not too far from the sea. It was a small and humble village. Everyone knew every face and name in the village. Jack and his family live in a cottage on top a hill that overlooks the sea.  Their abode consists of a few small timbers bound by grass and thatched with straw. Jack was a happy young lad and enjoyed playing around the village. The village seems peaceful, but it was not always so. The village was would have been in trouble if it were not for little Jack.
It was a peaceful day the sun was shining, and the wind's gentle breeze passed through the town. Men and older boys toiled tirelessly in the fields as they readied for the brewing winter.  Children raced about screaming and shouting while women and the wise began to brew that evening's stew. They continued about blissfully unaware of the approaching vessel until a young boy spotted it on the horizon. The villagers set work to preparing a welcome for these visitors for they believed all guests deserved a proper welcome.
Finally, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, the ship arrived and rested on the shore. The villages began to gather closer to the vessel gifts in hand until a wise elder remarked this was no ordinary ship. With great realization, the villagers fled back to the village, for this was a raiding ship.
The villagers peeked out from their hiding places and cowered in fear as they saw trolls stumble from their ship weapons and shields in hand.
  The trolls ran towards the village and bellowed “WE ARE THE MIGHTY TROLLS! FEAR US”.
The villagers overcome with fear grabbed their young, sick and elderly and sprinted for the forest leaving young Jack alone. Jack would have been hiding in the forest beside his mother if not for the fact his mother was sick. So sick in fact that she had to be carried by the men to the forest, Unfortunately in their haste the villagers forgot young Jack. Unbeknownst to the trolls Jack lay sleeping in his cottage that overlooked the sea.
The trolls feasted and celebrated their newly conquered village until little Jack creep down the hills towards the hooting and hollering. Jack had just arisen from his slumber and have just woken, he was immensely hungry.
  The trolls stopped their hooting and hollering when they spotted young Jack lumber down the hill and after a brief hesitation shouted “WE ARE THE MIGHTY TROLLS, BEGONE HUMAN BEFORE WE GORGE ON YOUR FLESH."
Jack being a young lad knew nothing of trolls and was ignorant to the comments they made.
“I'm hungry,” said Jack
Again after a brief hesitation the trolls roared “WE ARE THE MIGHTY TROLLS, BEGONE HUMAN BEFORE WE GORGE ON YOUR FLESH”.
Again Jack replied “I'm hungry."
This exchange continued until the trolls gave in and served the lad a bowl hardy stew.
After downing his bowl, Jack said “ I'm bored tell me a story."
The trolls still confused over the boy's lack of fear the trolls gave in and recited a great epic about Hagroth a brave troll hero who patrols the sea for the monsters that lurk in it. After the long story, the boy returned to his cottage to rest. While the boy rested the trolls discussed how to rid themselves of the boy, for the trolls were no real warriors and were quite the cowards themselves. When the boy rose, he awoke to see the Trolls dressed fully in armor and brandishing menacing looking weapons. Jack being curious and ignorant lad he is asked “What are those in your hands”?
The trolls tried to explain they were weapons without luck for young Jack ignorant of the world failed to understand their explanations. Jack pranced around merrily requesting for the trolls to join him in childish games. Eventually, tired Jack retired to his humble cottage to rest. Jack slept til the next day and awoke to similar events. The trolls tried unsuccessfully to frighten young Jack by mock fighting, displaying muscles and showing scars. Finally, after many unsuccessfully attempts at frightening Jack the Trolls gave up on frightening little Jack and instead gave in to his childish games and started to play along.
Unfortunately, for the Trolls Jack mother had gotten over her sickness. Jack's mother being a caring mother began to worry about little Jack. So she crept to the edge of the forest to watch for him. Jack's mother spied on the village below and frowned in shock as she saw her little child playing with the trolls. Jack's mother began to stop worrying about her child when she realized that Jack was still alive and the trolls were not roasting him alive. Her relief turned into anger when she put two and two together and realized she and the villagers had been tricked. Being a smart person Jack's mother left and came back to the edge of the forest with the villagers in tow. She watched as one by one the villagers faces contorted in anger as they realized that they had been tricked. Overcome by rage the villagers quickly formulated a plan for revenge.
A couple days past and the trolls feasted on the villagers harvest and lounged around until they heard a startling cry.
The trolls turned in horror as they saw what appeared to be knights armed with menacing looking weapons. Being the cowards they were the Trolls sprinted towards their ship and sailed beyond the horizon never to be seen again. What the trolls didn't realize was that while they feasted on the villagers harvest the villagers had stolen their armor and weapons and had dressed to look like knights. They had then tricked the trolls into believing they were knights scaring them off.
Grateful to little Jack for awakening them to the ploy the trolls tried play  on them the villagers prepared a feast in Jack's honor and shouted “ BRAVE LITTLE JACK THE HERO, WHO SAVED US ALL."
And so brave little Jack with his ignorance and curiosity saved the village near the sea.

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