Legend | Teen Ink


March 4, 2014
By Dragonkid BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dragonkid BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometime in the year 2027 planet earth and it’s people was attacked by a race of aliens called The Kamin who’s strategy and experience in combat was like nothing any military officer had even imagined. Needless to say even with every nation in the world working together it was still a losing battle for humanity. It lasted about three years in total and nearly destroyed every living thing on are planet. And in the end the aliens both one the war and forced every living human underground, literally. Fifteen years have past since then and most people now live in deep shabby holes in the ground like moles. There is very little food, water and materials for clothing. And through all these hardships most people have lost all faith to get back their planet. But somehow there are a few fools and psycho’s who think otherwise and believe they can take it all by force. And I will tell you about someone who definitely falls into that category. My name is Theodore Roosevelt Kanon (don’t even go there) I also go by Tiger claw I am twenty two years old and this is the story of how I became close friends the one who would come to be known as “Kai the sword of revolution”. Let me start of with the day I first met him and his freedom fighters five years ago. My younger by three years sister Cecilia and I were orphaned at a young age and the orphanage we were staying at was destroyed a month ago. So we had been dodging soldiers since then. And at that moment we were running from a battalion of alien troopers and just as we were almost away Cecilia tripped over an old riffle lying on the ground. And before we started moving again they caught up with us. I saw one step toward us, he was the captain, that I could I guess by his armors colors. My heart started pumping so fast I thought it would explode. When he was finally standing in front of us he pushed a button on his helmet. I was sure it was it translator when we heard in a terrifying deep computer sounding voice. “Are you part of the resistance worm?” “No.” I said trying not to faint out of pure fear. And I could tell my sister was doing the same. “Well then if you get in the truck without a struggle we will take to lock up and let you live. But if you struggle well… you won’t be as lucky.” I could hear the captain laughing in his suit. As we were shoved into the truck I saw something hit the captain’s helmet. It was an egg; some fool was crazy enough to throw an egg at a Kamin squad captain. When he turned to where it was coming from he stumbled back like he was afraid. When I turned to look at this titan it turned to be just a guy in a white sleeveless hoody I couldn’t see his face but even though he had laser pistols in each hand and a sword on his back I saw nothing threatening about him. “You… How did you sneak up on us?” I heard the deep voice again. “This thing has a cloaking device in it hides me from your sensors.” I heard him say his voice was very deep yet not enough to explain the fear that seemed to be gripping hold of the entire battalion. He sounded pretty young actually. Just then I heard the voice from the captain’s helmet turned up to two hundred “FIRE ALL GUNS! KILL HIM!” Every soldier fired together but somehow even with a thousand holes in him he was still standing. I was shocked until a flashlight’s beam hit him and I realized it was just a dummy with a radio taped to it. It still worked even with a hole in it. “MORONS!” I heard his voice again it had some static on it. Then I saw a shadow descend on the soldiers. Then they just started falling down whatever the shadow was it was picking them off faster than lightning. As I saw it get closer I saw light reflect off what looked like a sword. When he got close enough to see most of the troops were down and the ones that weren’t had run. The captain drew his pistol and pointed it at him saying: “Well you’re him right the revolution’s leader demon sword Muramasa Kai?” “That is what my enemies call me.” He said. “Well DIE!” I heard from the captain. Then he took a shot the swordsman miraculously jumped out of the way. He made his way to the captain to fast to see and ended the fight in less than three seconds along with the captain. After that he turned to us. “Are you two alright?” He asked. My sister was staring at him lost in a daze. He took his hood off and said to us. “Does this make it easier to answer?” He asked. His face seemed kind and gentle with a scar under his left eye. He was skin was light brown and his eyes were a dark reddish color. He didn’t look like he was that much older than I was. “We’re fine thanks to you.” My sister said I could tell she was head over heels. “Good Grief.” I mumbled under my breath. As he started to walk toward us I started to panic. From what I heard about Kai the swordsman he was the deadliest man ever born and that he made Achilles look like a pansy and Hitler seem nice. Yet from what I was seeing only one of those seemed at all possible. When he was finally within arms reach he said to us: “Well lets be on our way. He said with a smile. “Where are we going?” I asked him. “To the camp of course” He responded. I remember walking for what I guessed was around three hours it was almost dark by that point when I finally decided to ask him where the camp was. Actually I asked something a little more along the lines of “Is your camp on this planet?!” To which he respond to by saying only “Yes” with a huge grin his face. Cecilia was walking right next to him. Then he stopped on top of a hill and when I finally caught up I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was the old airport, I remember me and a few other kids from the orphanage used to stand around watch planes take off. But that was before the Kamin arrived and destroyed everything. “Welcome to Philly international airfield and The Revolution base camp.” He said. “This is amazing!!” Cecilia Yelled. “Keep your voice down.” I scolded her in an almost whisper. “You have to make sure ‘they’ don’t hear you.” “She can yell as loud she wants here!!” Kai said his voice louder than my sister’s. Then he walked over to me. “What on earth do mean?” I asked still whispering “I mean that this is the only place on earth the Kamin are to afraid to enter.” He said in a normal voice now. I was about to say he was insane then I remembered the way those soldiers reacted to seeing him before. “Let’s go” He said. So we walked across the airfield to the center building when we got close to the doors I saw a large sign sticking out of the ground, it looked like it fell to me, Terminal B it said. As we walked in I looked around and saw a whole bunch of people running around in a fearful frenzy. “Where is he!!?” I heard a from a blond hair girl who was running from place to place looking for someone. “Wait here for a sec please.” Kai said to us. Then he started walking toward the girl. She was running even faster now. Without looking she ran right into Kai. After they both hit the ground he leaned up and said “Looking for me Death Ray?” As she stared at him her face got very angry looking. She seemed so mad I thought the flesh would melt off of her face. Kai just sat there with a nervous smile on his face. “You guys can come in now!” He yelled. I assumed he was talking to us and walked over to him. When the girl looked up her face started to soften up and little by little she managed to pull out a welcoming smile. She shot up and put her hands behind her back. “Hello and welcome to our base. My name it Rachel Banks and what are yours “Uh I’m Theodore Roosevelt Kanon and this is my little sister Cecilia Kanon.” I said back. After Kai finally got up she looked back at him and the scary face came back. Kai started to run away but just he turned she grabbed his collar. “Where do you think you’re going captain?” she asked. “Any where but here” He replied he seemed scared. And oddly enough that was still the only fear I understood that day. “Oh no, you’re coming with me.” She said as she started to drag him down the hall. “You two come with me” She said with the smile back on her face. She lead us through a few halls we passed a lot of people on the way until we got to a large group of people. Some were on computers, and others were looking out windows. I even saw two guys polishing large assault riffles. They all looked way too absorbed in what they were doing to notice us. “Hey I found him” Rachel said. Then she threw Kai on the ground. “Hi Cap” They all said together. “Oh these are our new recruits.” She followed with. “Hi Recruits” They said together again. They were all still completely absorbed in what they were doing. Kai then stood up and said “Well I hope you two get settled in soon.”

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