When I became a superhero | Teen Ink

When I became a superhero

March 1, 2013
By Anonymous

The day I became a superhero.

It was a Monday, the day when I realized that I was the Apex Predator. It all happened after that toxic truck crashed into our house. The smell reeked. The worst part was... I tasted it. I was in my room and when it crashed and the nozzle broke, and splattered everywhere. I was taken to the emergency room for a chemical bath. They took 104° water and sprayed me with it so the chemicals would die. When I came back to my house and I started floating around, I knew something was up. I also knew that the next day at school would be the greatest day of my life. I had superpowers!

The bully in the school, Gregory Googlemeister, has hated me ever since I walked through the door. He told me if I ever made fun of his last name, he would tackle me to the ground. Well, on Tuesday, I did. I said," Hey, Googley Eyes, thought you were gonna tackle me to the ground." He charged me. But, I could fly. When I flew right up in the air, he flipped out. He screamed like a little girl and called me a ghost. All I knew was he would never bother me again.

Feeling a confidence I never knew existed, I thought I was the toughest guy in school. Until I saw Jerry " Big Boy Bruiser " Broth. He was 6 foot 5 and only in the seventh grade. He said if anybody wanted to fight him and win, he would hang out with the 5th graders. I thought I could until my powers weren't working. Now knowing that I'm one of the most wimpiest kids in school, I was gonna get pummeled, I thought I might as well stand up to him since I was already going to lose. Next thing you knew, we were circled around with people chanting out," Fight, Fight, Fight." He threw a punch that went right over my head and I returned one right into his gut. He threw another punch but this time, I uppercut his chin and knocked him out. Everybody was so shocked that they went to help him up so we would fight again. I won that time to. So guess who had to hang out with fifth graders that week with a black eye? After we were done fighting I noticed I could fly again. I flew into the ceiling and didn't stop. The powers went to my head. Thinking the world is a chihuahua and I'm a Great Dane.

The next day I went to school, confident with my new skills. If something was going to happen to me, it was going to be something good. My life was great. I could do anything. Well, besides getting an A in English which was impossible. Knowing that I had powers, my life was going turn out great.

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