betty white murder | Teen Ink

betty white murder

February 26, 2013
By Michael Kromschroeder BRONZE, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
Michael Kromschroeder BRONZE, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Me and my partner in crime officer Brady are on highway patrol. When suddenly we got a call of a disturbance at 3 42” maple street. So me and my partner headed over there when we got there. We saw an old women lying in the middle of the street. So we called back up and an ambulance.
The women got mugged she got stabbed in the chest 4 times. It made me so sad because the paramedic’s said that the victim is Betty white. That’s too bad she was a good actress. So we searched for any evidence we found a knife in a near by trashcan. So after we went around the neighborhood and asked the neighbor’s some questions about Betty white.
Her very well but they said that she always hung out with a guy named Jeff brown. So my partner and me went to the station to get more info on Jeff brown. He has a record of stealing and that’s it. He lives on “32 spooner street”. So me and my partner paid a visit to Jeff brown.
When we got to his house we knocked on the door but no one answered the door. But suddenly we heard a gun go off we broke down the door and Jeff brown was down on the floor bleeding and we saw the suspect run out the back door. My partner went after the suspect and I called for backup. So after I went to the back where the suspect was firing gun shoots at my partner when he shoot my partner in the shoulder. Then he shot at me until he ran out of bullets.
Then he ran and jumped over the fence and jacked an old women’s car. So my partner and Jeff brown had to go to the hospital. Meanwhile I went to the station to read these fingerprints on this gun. Now lets find out who the suspect is. Ok the name of the suspect is Michael faris. He is an x-convict he has a history of mugging, murder in the first degree and car theft and is very dangerous.
After I went headed over to the hospital to tell who the suspect is to my partner. When I got there I had to ask the receptionist where my partner’s room is she said the room is on the 3rd floor room 264. So I got on the elevator and went to the 3rd floor when I got of the elevator I took a right down the hall to the two hundreds until I got to the 264th room. Then I went in to the room and my partner was in a coma and will not be conscious for two days. So then I went to Jeff browns room. When I got there he was watching TV. So I walked in I asked if he knew Michael faris the guy who tried to kill him. He said that the guy was the same one who killed Betty that night but he got away before man could get me.
So after I saw Michael walking down the street so I followed him to a building all the on to the other side of town he went inside the building on to the 3rd floor and went into a room. So I went in the building and went to the 3rd floor when I got to the door of the room I counted to 3and broke the door down and teased Michael faris in the chest and arrested him for the crime of murdered and engaging fire on an officer and car theft.


The author's comments:
it's about a murder of an old women.

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