The Journal | Teen Ink

The Journal

January 25, 2013
By Anonymous

Living in a world where even the word freedom is banned because they think we might get ideas. They treat us like animals, we sleep handcuffed to our beds because they think we might run away and go exactly where? They killed all are families and took us kids here so we can work for them. They beat us if they think we are out of control or even disrespecting them. You know what I think? I think that's a load of bull! Last week they put all nine hundreds of us in a row and shot a ten your old named bobby Jones. Oh my . . . little bobby Jones. That little boy always talked about how one day he was going to be a free man, Ha-ha! That’s probably why they shot him in the first place; they want to show us that we can't ever be free or even have a mind of our own.

There is nothing out there for us, even if a miracle happened where I found a book and decided to make the world better. They would just get us all back again. I was five when they killed my family and took me away, every night I have nightmares of my mother’s last sentence before they finished her off "Run Kai! Run To Granny's House! Ruuuuuun” I tried to run away but they got me. That’s how I ended up here. You might be asking where is here exactly, I'll tell you. Here is a imagine living in a place so far away from happiness. It was a large brown building, surrounded by a huge lawn and forest. You can try to escape but the wired fence is spiky and electricity runs through it, there's hay all over the ground and the ware house reeks of sweat bodies, we sleep in stalls that we call are "rooms" and share a queen sized bed with five other children.

Scene 2: Journal Entry One
Dear Journal December 24, 1881
Waking up this morning was tough because I had another dream about my mother . . . plus I'm not a morning person. as I sit up on my bed while they UN-cuff us for the same morning routine my heart starts beating hard , all I want to do is hand cuff them to the beds and beat them the way they do to us. I am only fifteen but they treat all of us like we are in prison, it definitely feels like we are but I think people in prison get more freedom then we will ever get in a million years. Last year there was a girl here named pearl, she was eighteen years old. She had a baby and I came out looking whiter then snow, they asked her who the father was and she said "it’s the head ma-ma-masters baby boy". All that attention she got for being the prettiest girl there sure did make her the dumbest because they beat her until she became the ugliest girl there. Then they were going to kill her baby but the head master let her keep it, he said "only dirty slaves would make an ugly little baby boy like that". I guess those words really hit a nerve in her because she started screaming and then she was gone. They killed her. THEY KILLED HER! The head master said he was going to keep the baby and raise him as his own. But that doesn't change anything because TOOK PEARL AWAY FROM ME! I WANTED TO GET THE HEAD MASTER AND MAKE THEM ALL SUFFER LIKE THEY MAKE US! But I didn't do anything because I was too scared.

Scene 3: Journal Entry Two
Dear Journal December 26, 1881
Yesterday was Christmas and pearl wasn't here to even see her babies first Christmas, I watch people die every single day but none of their deaths affected me like pearls did. Pearl was very intelligent, she was the one who taught me how to read and write and knowing she is gone KILLS ME DEEP. I loved how she would wrinkle up her nose when she knew I was lying and her smile was WOW! It was amazing how she kept her teeth Pearlie white, and the way her brownish orange hair was always brushed out and straight. Her skin was the color of caramel and how her hazel green eyes looked when the sun shined into her eyes. pearl was the girl who cared for me when I first came here, she would feed me, give me bathes, sing to me when I couldn't sleep, and she also gave me warm hugs just like my mother gave me before they took me. Pearl was my big sister and. . . . And . . . AND THEY TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME.

Scene 4: Journal Entry Three
Dear Journal January 1, 1882
HAPPY NEW YEARS! I'm leaving this month don't ask me how because it’s a secret if I tell you then i have to tell everybody else, okay fine I'll tell you. So there is a certain time in the day that they turn off the electricity on the fence, don't ask me who told me this but last week James Patterson got out of the fence. I was him with my own eyes, but I didn't go with him because I didn't want them to suspect anything. Today is my day to be a free man. This is my last journal entry.
As I rise up from "my bed" I open the stall door and hide my book under the bed. The sun just rose that means that the fence isn't on, time to go. I grab my sack that I packed in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping; I didn't sleep because I was too excited to go on my journey to be a free man. As I make my way to the only window on the bottom floor I hear a little voice behind me, frightened I turn around and see a five year old little girl with a small bag filled with only god knows what. She looks exactly like my little sister. But that's crazy because my little sister died when the people killed my family. At least that's what I tell myself.
Little Girl: are you leaving?
Kai: yes . . . now go to sleep
Little Girl: can I come with you?
Kai: no now go to sleep
Little Girl: I’ll be quiet
Kai Sighs and says “what’s your name little girl?”
Little Girl: Mona
Kai: Mona? My little sister’s name was Mona
Mona: . . .
Kai: We have to leave before the electricity comes back on. Let’s go
Kai grabs Mona by the hand and they get out the barn from the broken window. Kai leads her through the field and they finally get to the fence Kai picks Mona up and outs her over the fence, as Kai was getting over the fence his pants get stuck to a spike on the fence. Kai see’s that he only has two minutes until the sun fully rises, he struggles to get loose and Mona starts getting scared.
Mona: Kai I’m scared let’s go
Kai: Mona I’m stuck to this fence
Mona: Kai I want to go with you
Kai: Mona run
Mona: Kai I’m scared
Mona starts to cry and she walks up to Kai and hugged him.
Kai: Mona you have to go now
Time was running down and Kai only has 20 seconds, and at the last second . . . Kai got off the fence and grabbed Mona by the hand and they ran into the forest.

The author's comments:
Its something that I've been wanting to do for a long time but never had the skills to write it well. the ending might not be good because I'm not good at endings

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