Hunting | Teen Ink


February 17, 2022
By FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In the woods, with yellow and orange colored leaves everywhere, running, a boy around six feet tall dashed through the woods, with his dodgers hat dangling on his bag, with his eyes like a panda, the boy ran with all his might. Three days ago, the boy and his companions went camping, finding a spot and built their tent. Hunting, the boy and his companions used a hunting bow to find food. Stumbled upon a brown bear, the boy and his companions all ran in different directions, separating them. That was three days ago, the boy hasn't got a chance to sleep properly yet and hasn't eaten and drank anything major other than his gummy bear, days flew by as he starved. The boy had a keen sense of hearing, scoting, the boy found out that he was chased. With leaves rustling, with the cold wind sweeping through the forest, the boy had cold sweat. Cursing, the boy ran with all his might to shake off the creature. To his surprise, the animal started following him, with every step he took, the animal took one more. The gap between him and the animal became closer and closer, his hands shaking, with teeth clicking. The boy had no other choice but to face the animal and fight, taking out his bow, the boy stopped and took a good aim. With his keen sense of hearing knowing where the animal is, the boy shot an arrow. Hit. The animal stopped moving, after about ten seconds, confirming the animal was dead, the boy approached the animal’s corpse. Going over bushes, and finally behind a bush he found his arrow perpendicular to the ground on the animal. Slashing the bush with his knife and looking over, the boy found a human body, his brother and his companion.

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