College Essay C | Teen Ink

College Essay C

May 11, 2014
By Anonymous

The definition of a goal is the result or achievement toward which effort is directed. From the time we start kindergarten most of us already have been asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Throughout our whole life we spend so much time dreaming about who we want to become; but do we take enough action into reaching these dreams of ours?

From an early age, I have easily been drawn towards people and comfortable in new social settings. As I grew older I started realizing how interested I was in Communication and decided I would like to pursue a career in this degree. There are many avenues I would like to explore in this field such as Public Relations, Television Broadcasting, and Personal Recruiter. Each of these require a natural comfort level with people and the ability to easily adapt to a variety of social environments. Throughout my high school years I have participated in several academic and extra curricular activities that have helped expose me to different variations of communication.

By participating three years on a varsity cheerleading squad I have gained a tremendous amount of change and social skills. Cheerleading has taught me not only how to be a leader, but how to communicate and work with diverse groups of people. The reason I think cheerleading will help me in my future career path is because working in the area of Communication requires many of the same attributes. I believe that spending my high school in this leadership role has benefited me in all aspects.

I have been very fortunate to experience incredible opportunities outside my school, such as acting classes and third world mission trips, both of which have stretched my comfort zone and have improved my social skills. Acting classes taught me the basis of Communication and the different job offers you can get by majoring in this study. We learned how to do interviews and monologues in front of different types of crowds, which increased my public speaking ability. Being able to experience multiple out of the country mission trips in high school has taught me how to interact with people who have different beliefs than myself. A lifetime goal of mine is to travel the world and speak to many different people. Having this opportunity as a teenager has given me an abundant amount of experience that I can use in my adulthood.

To be a television broadcaster, recruiter, or publicity manager will take a skill of leadership. Academically speaking, I have been involved with a Leadership Club and Speech class in my school that have both increased my knowledge on these majors. Knowing more information on jobs has helped me determine what avenue I am mainly interested. No matter what age I get to, I will always strive to be better and to achieve more. Developing these after college plans has really has helped me prepare for my future and learn the things I must do to reach the goals I desire.

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