OtakuBoy | Teen Ink


Saint Augustine, Florida
Member for 15 years


Im Kris, not my real name. Im not even a guy XD I love japan and writing and stuff. I use Kris as my pen name for everything i do so lets stick with that.

Books: Boy meets Boy!, Harry Potter, Cirque Du Freak, The Spirit Window
Music: IDK, Still Not Getting Any, Riot, Hot Mess
Movies: Sleepy Hallow, Childs Play, Childs Play 2, Scary Movie 4
TV Shows: InuYasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Bleach, Loveless
Interests: Drawing, Writing, Sleeping, Swimming

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By OtakuBoy BRONZE
Saint Augustine, Florida
OtakuBoy BRONZE, Saint Augustine, Florida
3 articles 2 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
My fav? I have two. First ones too long so here: http://www.otakuzone.com/zone/OtakuBoy666/blog/9201/index.htm <br /> and then theres:Every Gaurdian Angel has to have a darkside, they wouldn&#039;t be able to protect the one&#039;s they care about if they didn&#039;t!

By OtakuBoy BRONZE
Saint Augustine, Florida
OtakuBoy BRONZE, Saint Augustine, Florida
3 articles 2 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
My fav? I have two. First ones too long so here: http://www.otakuzone.com/zone/OtakuBoy666/blog/9201/index.htm <br /> and then theres:Every Gaurdian Angel has to have a darkside, they wouldn&#039;t be able to protect the one&#039;s they care about if they didn&#039;t!

By OtakuBoy BRONZE
Saint Augustine, Florida
OtakuBoy BRONZE, Saint Augustine, Florida
3 articles 2 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
My fav? I have two. First ones too long so here: http://www.otakuzone.com/zone/OtakuBoy666/blog/9201/index.htm <br /> and then theres:Every Gaurdian Angel has to have a darkside, they wouldn&#039;t be able to protect the one&#039;s they care about if they didn&#039;t!

By OtakuBoy BRONZE
Saint Augustine, Florida
OtakuBoy BRONZE, Saint Augustine, Florida
3 articles 2 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
My fav? I have two. First ones too long so here: http://www.otakuzone.com/zone/OtakuBoy666/blog/9201/index.htm <br /> and then theres:Every Gaurdian Angel has to have a darkside, they wouldn&#039;t be able to protect the one&#039;s they care about if they didn&#039;t!

By OtakuBoy BRONZE
Saint Augustine, Florida
OtakuBoy BRONZE, Saint Augustine, Florida
3 articles 2 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
My fav? I have two. First ones too long so here: http://www.otakuzone.com/zone/OtakuBoy666/blog/9201/index.htm <br /> and then theres:Every Gaurdian Angel has to have a darkside, they wouldn&#039;t be able to protect the one&#039;s they care about if they didn&#039;t!