Dexter | Teen Ink


May 7, 2014
By Michael Douglas BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Michael Douglas BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Dexter is by far the most entertaining TV show I have ever watched. It has the most twisted plot but for some reason, once you start watching, you cannot stop! Dexter is about a guy named Dexter Morgan who is a serial killer who kills serial killers. This is just about the only show where you will find yourself routing for the killer to not get caught. Dexter’s ability to suck you in, the story line, and the characters are the reason this television series is so successful.

Dexter sweeps me from my real life and places me in a world where killing is a usual occurrence. I would say this show has the ability to do this because of how original and well executed the plot is. Also, it is pretty crazy that Dexter Morgan works for Miami Metro Homicide, and a good amount of the murder scenes are his works. He is “looking” for himself in all the crimes, and to keep himself safe, when he gets to scenes, he double checks that there is no left over evidence from the kill. Each season there is one other serial killer that Miami Metro is hunting, but on the side, Dexter is hunting them and getting closer to them then the station. He always ends up killing the bad guy first and does not get caught until the end of season six, and it is just by his sister, Lt. Deborah Morgan, who is extremely upset, but also relieved in some ways. Lastly, what makes this series so great is that I can find myself in the plot becoming friends with all the characters. This TV show really has become one of the most successful series’ out there.
This show is harshly violent and gory and can really make someone cringe. It appeals more to a male audience, but I know that two of the women closest to me absolutely love this show and could write wonders about this show. I really am glad that I found this show on Netflix because it has filled the empty parts of my days. It may contribute to me not getting all my homework done on time, but it really is the greatest TV show I have watched and I recommend it to all viewers.

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