Untold: Hall of Shame | Teen Ink

Untold: Hall of Shame

June 10, 2024
By Anonymous

I rate the documentary Hall of Shame 3 out of 5 stars. To expand, this sports documentary was all about Victor Conte’s role in the steroid explosion of the late ‘90s and early 2000s in athletes. Victor Conte is founder and president of defunct Bay Area Laboratory CO-operative (BALCO), a sports “nutrition” center in California. Although BALCO was supposably a “nutrition” center… it became popular when the company started advertising steroids. Athletics became specifically effected by steroids because they improved their performances by making muscles bigger/strong, by gaining speed, and by setting unrealistic standards for themselves which can only be reached with illegal drug usage. This documentary does a good job of explaining the effects of steroids and how quickly they can ruin a person’s or athletes’ life. Although it was a good documentary, it wasn’t really what I was expecting. From the start, I was mostly interested in watching because of the cover – a baseball with a steroid shot. So, when the documentary was mostly about track athletes, I was extremely disappointed. Even though this documentary did not satisfy me, I would still recommend it to others because it is informative and provides a good “don’t” for someone who might be going down the wrong path with steroids.

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Emily Bultynck and I am a sophomore. I wrote this review to share what I thought about the Hall of Shame documentary on Netflix.

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