My Review of Breaking Bad | Teen Ink

My Review of Breaking Bad

April 29, 2024
By 4phillips BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4phillips BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have heard so much about Breaking Bad from friends and family, but I could never get around to watching it because I was busy.  I finally had some spare time recently, so I began to dig in.  Everyone talked so highly of it—it was about time for me to see why.  


The show starts off showing an average high school chemistry teacher named Walter who leads a normal life.  His brother in law is a DEA agent who took Walt on a meth bust in which he sees one of his old students escape the bust. A couple episodes later he is diagnosed with cancer.  Living on a teacher's salary, he needs more money.  Walter makes the conscious decision to find the old student who escaped and propose him an offer.  Walter would cook the drug and the high school student named Jessie would sell it.  

From the moment I pressed play, I was quite intrigued.  The story line seemed so crazy that a high school chemistry teacher would cook drugs, it could just work so well together.  The detail and the way it could just feel so real.  Breaking Bad just kept me on the edge of my seat for season after season. The adventures of Walter and Jessie are unforgettable and are so engaging every time.  An example of this is when they crash their rv in the desert.  Those scenes are burned into my brain.


Bryan Cranston as Walter White and Aaron Paul as Jesse do a phenomenal job.  The acting in this show is second to none.  They make it seem like their characters are real people.  The main characters make it look like they aren’t even acting. Without good acting there is no such thing as a good tv show or movie.

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Review of the show Breaking Bad

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