Outer Banks | Teen Ink

Outer Banks

February 28, 2024
By 2027076 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2027076 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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When I watched this series It was always something new that would come up and it was very exciting throughout the whole show. It kept me on my toes the whole time and the cliffhangers they leave at the end are phenomenal. I think that many teens that watch this would think the same. As they get to know each other and claim they want to have fun they get into all kinds of new adventures, and learn more about each other every day.

As “Outer Banks” started it was just John B who then got his best friend to join it with JJ Maybank. They became called the pogues, Pogues are a type of fish which they are named after. They are the lowest member of fish in the food chain. They are the type of fish used to bait and catch bigger fish, which John B stated at the beginning of the show. They have good and bad things about them though. Because they are pogues which is kinda like saying they are from the cut. The good thing about the pogues is that they are ignored, but they also have a downside of getting neglected. These both can be good and bad things if they want to stay under the weather about the things they do. 


As they figured out they needed more people in their group they needed a smart one and then they chose Pope Heyward. Pope was brought into the group by JJ. Pope and JJ met when they were little.  John B and JJ are good friends, however;  JJ and Pope are even better. They are the closest out of all the pogues. Pope also has helped JJ through everything because Pope helps him to get through hard things and can keep him in line. They later found Kiara who was a kook but turned out to be a pogue. Kiara is not a pogue; she lives on the rich side of the island (figure 8) so she was born a kook but her parents believe that she should not be with the pogues because she is fortunate to be a kook and her parents believe that they could do something to her. Figure 8 is where the wealthiest kooks live. As they become friends they learn a lot about each other, a lot about how much they have to rely on each other. They also found out there are very hard decisions or decisions some of the other groups won’t agree with. They had to figure out who is capable of what in their group. They have to leave their families to go on adventures or even run away from people.

 They then met Sarah and Sarah is very much a kook. She lives with one of the richest families on the island. They met Sarah when John B was working for his dad. Sarah would see John B when he would come over and they slowly started to fall for each other. They loved each other but Sarah's family was not so much a fan. They were not a fan of pogues especially when their daughter kept running off with one. They kept warning John B and later John B found out what they meant when they were warning him to stay away from her or else they would come after the pogues. When John B returns home he warns them about the kooks and about Sarah's brother Rafe and his friends. They both know they now have to watch their backs everywhere. 

On all the adventures they go on the pogues were just trying to have fun until they find something and they have to figure out who did it and why. They would go everywhere asking everyone, but just as they started no one knew anything about what happened. Little do they know the person that could be behind it all is someone they know very well. They then have to trust each other even more than they ever have. They have to do things for their families and they have to steal from each other. As much as pogues are supposed to be under the radar they make themselves clear that they are after something. They always hit another mystery before they finish the others. Will they all connect to each other? When they are on adventures or trying to figure things out they sometimes all have to separate. They are never together on the big plans. They separate where some stay back and some go. But they find out that sometimes that's not the smartest thing to do when the kooks somehow always know. They are always ready no matter what.

As the pogues figure out, that ward is one of the sneakiest people. He always acts like nothing is going to happen, but he knows if the pogues find out what happened then that would be very bad. Rafe is Ward's son and like the same person, but when Sarah comes home they don’t want her anymore. They want her to go back to where they claimed she belonged. Sarah knew that they had many different houses around the island and where they have valuable stuff. They try to make Sarah leave but do they know that she is just going to the other house with not just her but her whole new family? She only has one person in the family that she trusts and that is her little sister. As her family figures out that she is contacting her sister they turn around and find out what the pogues are up to and where they are. 

Sarah’s little sister’s nickname is Wheezie. Her real name is Louisa Cameron. Wheezie is the closest out of the whole family to Sarah. Wheezie helps the pogues a lot because she knows her dad and Rafe are up to something and so she is helping them by eavesdropping and finds her way into everything in Rafe and Ward's lives. When Rafe and Ward find this out they make her ask Sarah some things. They found out she left and was not planning to come back to live there because she did not feel safe there in the first place. Sarah knows that Wheezie would never lie but Sarah finds out what happens if she is forced to. 

When I tried watching this the first time I did not like it. I then tried it again because friends were watching it so I tried. It always had something to watch out for or some mystery they were solving. This is why I think this is a great show and I recommend it to everyone. This is the reason I chose this show to share about.

The author's comments:

I have always loved Outer Banks. I have loved the adventures and the problem-solving of all the different group members. It shows that it is okay to have fights in a friend group at times and learn how to problem solve to get them to come back or to show support from them. 

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