A Better Life | Teen Ink

A Better Life

March 5, 2018
By lulbabbyj SILVER, Sacramento, California
lulbabbyj SILVER, Sacramento, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Tupac Shakur-i think i'm a natural born leader. I know how to bow down to authority if its authority that I respect.

Drake- i was born to make mistakes not to fake perfection.

What is a great movie. To me a great movie is leaving people thinking. Like a better life for instance it had some good moments that left you thinking about things at the end.

This movie is about a migrant worker name Carlos working in the United States for minimum wage, that barely pays his bills. He worked at peoples houses fixing their power risking his life climbing in trees with unsturdy equipment. At some point doing that he could of die. While him fearing he might get deported something terrible happens to him.After Carlos and Luis successfully retrieve the truck, they are caught by the police.

Carlos is arrested and incarcerated as an illegal American immigrant. In prison, Carlos apologizes to Luis and forgives him. When they promise each other that he will return, Carlos boards the deportation bus. The family watches Luis playing a game of soccer, while Carlos and other undocumented immigrants head through the desert.


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