Dark Shadows | Teen Ink

Dark Shadows

October 30, 2016
By marinasitnikov BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
marinasitnikov BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“It is said that blood is thicker than water. It is what defines us, binds us… curses us,” says Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp) as he foreshadows the events of Tim Burton’s horror-comedy, Dark Shadows. In 18th-century Maine, the town of Collinsport is run by rich and powerful playboy, Barnabas Collins. After breaking the heart of the witch Angelique Bouchard by falling in love with Josette DuPres (Bella Heathcote), Josette is cursed to leap to her death off Widow’s Hill, Barnabas is turned into a vampire, and he is buried alive for two centuries. When he escapes in 1972, he finds that with 196 years, his beloved Collinsport has become a different place. With his home Collinwood Manor in ruins, he and his dysfunctional family attempt to return Collinsport to its former glory.
Throughout the movie, the breath-taking cinematography allows Angie’s witchcraft to shine through. When a seahorse gargoyle under Bouchard’s spell broke off from the house to kill Barnabas’s parents in the beginning, it was made to look so realistic. When Barnabas was exploring Collinsport after escaping his coffin, the camera was angled to show how the town changed drastically while showing Barnabas’s confusion and surprised expression. The camera angle showed off every little aspect of the house which helped tie the plot together. In different scenes, the characters were in rooms and while the camera focused on the actors, viewers caught a glimpse of the scenery. If a specific room had an important object, the characters would interact with it.

The talented cast sucks the viewer in right away. The tones of voice and facial expressions are just some of the factors that make it seem as if the characters were real and not just fictional people created to move the film along. For his role in the movie, Johnny Depp won the Blimp Award for Favorite Movie Actor. Depp’s supporting actress, Chloë Grace Moretz, had been nominated for the Saturn Award as Best Performance by a Young Actor/Actress.

Furthermore, the costume design in the movie helped create a realistic feel. Barnabas always wore the same old fashioned clothing. The viewer may not be sure if it is truly from the late 18th/early19th century, but it was convincing enough. Furthermore, Barnabas would use a black umbrella if he went outside, which coincided with the stereotype that vampires are allergic to the sun.

Music was also a major factor that contributed to the brilliance of the movie. The prologue music, by Danny Elfman, gave the scene an erie, yet magical feel. This was the scene when Barnabas was foreshadowing the plot with the quote, “It is said that blood is thicker than water. It is what defines us, binds us… curses us.” When Barnabas escaped his coffin and explored 1972 Collinsport, the song “Get It On(Bang a Gong)” by T. Rex was used as background music. Even though it was released in 1971, it still gave the scene a 70’s mood.

Although the movies sounds serious, it has many comedy aspects to it. For example, Barnabas was not familiar with anything in the 20th century, so throughout the film his lack of knowledge was used as comedy. For example, when he first got out of his coffin, he found a road and while walking across it he saw car headlights. Thinking it was Satan, he yelled, “It is the eyes, it’s the devil himself come to drag me to my judgement. Have at me, Lucifer. My soul is prepared.”  All the laughter that is brought to the viewer usually comes from Barnabas, from his confusion and what he says.

There is never a dull moment in Dark Shadows. Most of the movie has drama and will keep the reader wanting to see more. Whether it’s your family, your friends, or someone you’ve seen on the street, the film may leave you wondering if everyone around you has a secret to hide.  

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