Juno | Teen Ink


January 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Why do people put their babies up for adoption? “I’m not ready to have a baby”. When Juno found out she was pregnant, she was really scared. At first she didn't have no idea what to do. She was afraid to tell blake and her parents. I like how at the end she thought it all out like a mature adult and everyone was happy. This is a good movie because it teaches teenagers a lesson to not have unprotected sex. Teenagers thinks it cool to have sex. When teenagers get into high school they think they're grown and independent. They think they're old enough to understand the consequences.

I understand why some people think it's okay to have sex when you're a teenager because, they say they just experiencing, however i still believe it's not okay because it could ruin your whole education because you could get someone pregnant or get pregnant. The characters were really connecting with the story because, you can tell that they can somehow relate to the story. The characters were really emotionally at the perfect times which make the story more realistic.

Teen pregnacy is the biggest social issue in the movie. The director/writer showed how the teenage mothers can deal  with this type of situation if they get pregnant. Teenage mothers have to go through a lot. They have to deal with people staring and talking about them behind their back. The actors fit the characters. I say that because they show a lot of emotions like they can feel the characters pain. This movie can really inspire teenagers because it shows how much pain you can go through as a pregnant teen.

Juno the movie is about a teenage girl that gets pregnant and doesn't know how to deal with it. Juno didn't want to tell her baby father that she's pregnant because they were no longer close friends. S Juno found the perfect family for her baby. Juno wanted to have a closed adoption, but the couple wanted to have an open adoption. At the end the couple got a divorce and the lady still adopted the baby.

The director made a good choice on this movie. I say that because pregnancy, reproductive rights, and adoption is some of the biggest problems happening right now with teens. This movie could help teens to make better decisions. I like how the movie started off by showing how each character’s personality changes throughout the movie. I like movies with a happy ending. Juno was a very nice movie and I would recommend it to teenage girls, so maybe it would change their mind about having unprotected sex.

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