Pitch Perfect 2 | Teen Ink

Pitch Perfect 2

September 23, 2015
By mack123 BRONZE, Milk River, Other
mack123 BRONZE, Milk River, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
a girl doesn't need anyone who doesn't need her-Marilyn monroe

Pitch Perfect the Quest for Collegiate a Capella Glory was published in 2008 written by Kay cannon. A movie was produced and released by 2012 a sequel was then released based off of the movie in 2015 called pitch perfect 2 (it is said that there might be another one coming out in 2017 –a threequel) pitch perfect 2 the sequel I found was funnier than the first movie but the movies are fictionally written about a university group of an all-girl team (the Barden Bellas) that are the “underdogs” in the story. In the first movie they were trying to beat the “trebles” but in the second one they are at the top and then lose it all from one performance so they try to redeem themselves by proving that they are the best against a German team. In pitch perfect Anna Kendrick (Becka) has to show the Barden Bellas that they can use a different type of music especially from this century and change it up. In Pitch Perfect 2 they had won three times in a row and had lost there “harmony” so they go to an aca boot camp that is led by former leader Aubrey. After they find there harmony Becka must get some songs and layer them together to beat the top team Das Sound Machine. To win the world championships of a Capella to not only redeem there selves from a mishap from the presidents’ terrible gift performance but to prove that America can win the world championships of a Capella. America has never won because “The whole world hates them.” Hopefully they’ll win and be aca awesome.

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