I Am Legend | Teen Ink

I Am Legend

January 31, 2008
By Anonymous

“I am Legend”

In this movie Robert Neville is faced with the survival of the world. It depicts how an incurable virus has spread and there is no way of stopping it. This virus was a cure for cancer that went wrong and everyone who was treated became infected. Now Neville is alone and has devoted his life to one goal: finding a way to reverse the effects of the virus. For three years Neville sends out radio messages in hope that someone out there will hear him. Everyday is a fight for survival and there is no way to know how it will turn out.
Robert Neville is played by Will Smith and this is very close to being one of his best movies. He has the job of playing a serious but straight up action role. Smith and all the producers involved in the creation of this film did an amazing job in making the film.


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