The Hobbit Trilogy | Teen Ink

The Hobbit Trilogy

September 23, 2015
By PNMalsbury BRONZE, Warner, Other
PNMalsbury BRONZE, Warner, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit trilogy is an amazing chain of movies based on J.R.R Tolkien’s book, which I’m proud to say, I’ve read six times. The details in these movies are mind-blowing, The Hobbit is amazing, I am glad I took the time to watch these three movies. The action is incredible. The plot is fantastic, not to mention almost spot on with the book.

The character development is great, Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) changes from a home-dwelling, frightened little hobbit, to a brave, adventurous journeyer, all of the characters are amazing and all of them have their very own characteristics that make them stand out so well.

I was amazed with the ending of both the first and second movies and couldn’t wait for more, I’d definitely be ecstatic if a fourth came out but the third was well-ended. This trilogy is great, definitely worth the time, I highly recommend watching them if you’re in for some fantasy-action and mind-blowing plot and characters.

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