The Women of Brewsters Place | Teen Ink

The Women of Brewsters Place

January 13, 2014
By Jazlyn Williams BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Jazlyn Williams BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
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In class we read the book The Women of Brewsters Place, it was a movie made off of the book and after reading the book I watched the movie in my free time. Both the book and the movie include stories about 7 different women. When reading the book it was more emotional and touching than it was it the movie. In the movie the director had to take parts that he felt unnecessary out or the director took the parts out because then the movie would be too long if he kept the book word for word. In my opinion the director cut parts that could only be understood if you really paid attention because if you were just watching it in a movie it would fly over your head.
When reading the stories about the women I felt like I really understood what they were going through. The book told each story separately and it told the history behind why the women did things and why they responded certain ways. The book showed personal connections and connections between people who you would have never think to connect. While watching the movie it didn't introduce the women individually it added them on as time went by. If I didn't read the book I wouldn't know their stories I wouldn't have probably been able to catch on as fast. The director took out symbols that I think he should have kept in the movie.
Telling the story of the women the book took you all the way into their past. Some women had family problems and some couldn't help what they were going through. There was a symbol in the book and that symbol was water. The water represented the washing away of things such as disappointment or the water snapped you back to reality. The water wasn't mention one time in the movie. Another key thing to me form the book that wasn't in the movie was a rape scene. In this rape scene the author told everything they explained actions that led up to the rape. Of course the movie wasn't as graphic as the book the movie just had minor details and it made it seem unbelievable.
I think the reason the director left out so much is because when he read the book certain things stuck out to him. I don't believe the director looked at the whole book or maybe he didn't understand what was happening or the symbols. The end of the book was also changed in the movie and I believe the reason that the end of the book was changed is because people picture different things happening in their head. The director made the end of the book a happy ending like a fairytale.
I myself didn't like the way that the book ended but it made sense in a way. I don't think he shouldn't have changed the end of the book because it threw things off. I also pictured different cast. Over all to me the book was better than the movie; I don't personally believe that about all book movie scenarios. But I pictured everything different, my imagination is the reason I liked the book better. To me it’s better to read and see something your way over reading and seeing it in a movie a whole other way.

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