I Heart Huckabees | Teen Ink

I Heart Huckabees MAG

By Anonymous

     “I (Heart) Huckabees” is oneof the most creative and intelligent films of all time. It is packedwith gut-busting laughter and amazing performances, especially JasonSchwartzman as the environmental activist, Jude Law as the obnoxiouscorporate executive and Mark Wahlberg.

Albert Markovski(Schwartzman) hires a team of existential detectives (Dustin Hoffman andLily Tomlin) to explain a string of coincidences. When he finds out thatthe detectives are also working for his rival, Brad Stand (Law),Markovski and his friend Tommy Corn (Wahlberg) decide to visit thenihilist Caterine Vauban (Isabelle Huppert). While this is happening,Brad Stand finds his seemingly perfect life and his relationship withDawn Campbell (Naomi Watts) starting to crumble.

Besides beinghilarious, this film is thought-provoking and interesting. It makes youthink about your own existential issues, and allows you to lookat your connections with others in this universe from a differentperspective.

This movie is rated R.

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i love this so much!