Sanctum | Teen Ink


June 29, 2011
By Metallica96 SILVER, Toms River, New Jersey
Metallica96 SILVER, Toms River, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sanctum is by far one of the best movies that I have ever seen in my life. It is inspired by a true story. This is the story of eight people, one of them being an expert on caves. They discover a cave called Esa-Ala, also known as The Mother of All Caves. This cave is one that no human has ever seen before. Until now. Eight people go into this cave, one of them is an expert who studies caves. But as a storm comes along, it starts to flood the cave. As they know that they have to get out of the cave, what they don't know is that the top of the cave is already flooded and blocked off. Now the only way out is down, which is the part of the cave they have not seen nor discovered yet. Will the eight people risk there lives and try to escape? Or will all get trapped down in the cave and die?


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