War Games | Teen Ink

War Games

January 15, 2020
By Anonymous

 War Games proves to be an exceptionally enjoyable and earnestly cheerful adventure that combines together advanced technology with very human thoughts and ideas to form a truly delightful adventure. Taking place during the 1980s, when the movie was filmed, the movie goes along with the growing fear of the Cold War and explore what it's like behind the scenes. The men behind the nuclear weapons and missiles are just a few launch codes and procedures away from destroying entire cities and millions of people, which is something that weighs heavily on these soldiers' minds. Understanding the potential devastating consequences of their actions, these soldiers are extremely weary towards actually launching their weapons. As a result, the top generals of the United States government have been contemplating how to deal with the situation, with some suggesting to completely remove the human aspect of the procedure altogether. This would instead involve allowing computers to make the calls to launch the weapons, and due to the preciously short amount of time that is available before the soldiers can decipher between right and wrong and using the weapons, the government seems to feel that it is a better idea to use expensive and intelligent computers to do the tasks instead. As the government begins to slowly implement more computers into security methods for protection, the government also slowly finds itself becoming intertwined with David Lightman's life. David is nothing more than a high schooler, and he is a poor student that prefers to study computers and play at the arcade than study or attend class. This means David often doesn't try his hardest in school, despite having plenty of intellectual potential, but David Lightman does try his hardest to know as much as he can about computers. This eventually leads to him searching a company that plans to sell new video games, and utilizing his ability to hack into computers and access the information he wants, David scours data and computer resources to try to find this video game company. However, David mistakenly finds a military computer and finds himself becoming involved with some classified content. Still not entirely aware of the full capabilities of the computer, Lightman somewhat accidentally begins a game of Global Thermonuclear War, which involves using simulations to try to see how the Cold War might play out. Despite how Lightman thinks this is only a game, Lightman begins to realize that this game actually causes simulations to arise in the government's computers, causing them to think a real response from the Soviet Union is coming. Understanding that he may soon be responsible for starting a new war, David Lightman soon discovers that the United States might mistakenly send their weapons over to the Soviet Union and potentially destroy the world as it is known. David Lightman begins to comprehend the potential consequences of his actions of just playing a game, and along with his caring girlfriend, they try to find a way to defeat the odds and try to convince governmental authorities the truth of what's going on, all before starting a third World War. 

 War Games proves to be an amazingly entertaining adventure that combines together human emotion, the threat of computers, and plenty of instantly-memorable lines and quotes, like the concept of playing a game of Global Thermonuclear War. As eccentric as the movie can be at times, and a true 1980s film that encompasses everything that the decade stood for, including the impact of the Cold War and plenty of pop culture references, the movie is actually quite sophisticated. From a modern perspective, the movie actually serves as one of the first, if not the first, movie to portray cybersecurity threats, and as technology has further advanced and become an even more integral aspect of daily life, the threat of someone being able to hack into a supercomputer that controls an entire government's arsenal of weapons is made even more threatening. This allows the movie to be surprisingly and unexpectedly clever and suspenseful, all while posing plenty of thought-provoking questions that help to define what it really means to be human. The movie questions the importance of technology in the world, and even goes as far as to beg the question if an over-reliance on these advancements will ultimately be society's downfall. 
 War Games jumps into the thick of its plot and story, even from the very beginning, in a truly eye-popping and riveting manner, and the movie continues to utilize this explosive level of entertainment throughout. Ending the film on a high note that encompasses all of the drama, emotion, and intensity that the movie has tried to provide thus far, the movie leaves audiences wondering about some of its most elaborate concepts. The film may have some outdated quirks, as well as some slight plot holes relating to the fact that David Lightman is just a high schooler, but when those minor nitpicks are excluded, the movie is revealed to be a smart and thrilling science fiction adventure. Bringing out some of the coolest and most wondrous aspects of the military of the United States, and epic in its entirety, there's no denying that the movie is more than deserving of its astounding 93% from Rotten Tomatoes. It might not be a true work of classic film, but the infusion between human thought and the threat of computers is notable for all of the right reasons. This remains to this day as an absolute must-see. 

The author's comments:

"Would you like to play a game?" - Joshua

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