Into the Wild | Teen Ink

Into the Wild

December 16, 2019
By dragonflys GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
dragonflys GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The story line from Into the Wild is about a boy Christopher McCandless who grew up in a small town in Virginia . He always had an adventures perspective on life and wanted to leave his normal everyday life. His parents were very wealthy and had the american dream picture life. Christopher was a very wise young man that was in love with poetry and reading wise tales that taught him the way of a real life. Christopher felt as if he lived in a picture, made out world that was already created; he was just going through the motions and not really living. So, when he graduated from college with a double degree, he donated his college savings of 24,000 dollars to a youth relief organization.

Christopher changed his name to Alex Supertramp, creating a new identity. He then set off for his adventures to Alaska to live for himself. He traveled mainly around the Western parts of North American and Mexico. He got around by foot, hitchhiking and by kayaking. Christopher meet some great people on his journey that helped him out, and learned many things from these people in his travels. He makes it to Alaska and finds an old bus that he calls the “magic bus”, because it saved him and gave him shelter. 

Into the wild was filmed and released in 2007. The director and screenplay was created by Sean Penn. I recommend this movie for anyone that is over the age of 15 to watch with an adult or being 16/17 years old to understand the movie fully. Keeping in mind that this movie is rated R so it’s not for children they could be scared or traumatized if they watch. There is nudity, violent language and graphic imagery. 

The cinematography and the real world look to movie was outstanding—as an understatement. The video transitions, light quilty, animals, weather and landscapes where truly amazing to the viewer. The cinematography was especially great when they were shooting the movie in Alaska. The editing with the moose and buck made it seem that it was actually happening and that the animals were real. The lighting was crisp and clear. Was easy to see what was happening at all points throughout the movie. In certain frames when there was not much music, the sounds of water rushing or walking in the crunchy snow was on point and pull together the movie even more. 

The actor that played Christopher McCandless was Emile Hirsch. This actor deserves a golden globe award for his spectacular and remarkable acting work. His work I believe was so real and breathtaking to watch. Emile Hirsch showed so much emotion through his role. Realizing this was not real life and was just a work of art on screenplay is mind-blowing. He showed true emotion from the pain the charter was going through and the success that he also went through. Every emotion was spot on.  The other actors and actresses in the movie did a remarkable job tying together in the screenplay. Overall this movie protries I believe accurately of what Christopher McCandless went through and his mindset through his whole adventures, how he feels about his parents, what he truly wanted to make out of himself and lived his life how he truly wanted to.

This movie creates the viewer to be optimistic about their life and yearn to live there life out and to explore what the future could hold if they let go a bit from society, go out explore and live fearlessly. 


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