Paper Towns by John Green | Teen Ink

Paper Towns by John Green

September 22, 2017
By Fernando23 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Fernando23 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Quentin is shy when it comes to talk to people. He has a crush on Margo Roth Spiegelman, which lives right in front of his house. When Margo needs help Quentin is always willing to do it even if it’s bad. Both of them have been in the same school since kids. Margo is a savage, she will do anything- prank, sneak in places, get revenge, and etc. Margo has feelings over people she likes. Margo broke up with her boyfriend. So she moved somewhere where nobody is around, just a house in the middle of nowhere. Quentin is sad that she left, but he finds clues that he thinks might lead him to her. Quentin is worried about her and he has struggled a lot in school and outside of school. He is desperate to find her. “I limped through my physics and government finals the next day I stayed up till 2 a.m. on Tuesday finishing my final reaction paper for English” (Green 226). This quote tells me that Margo affected Quentin because he has not been able to pay attention in school ever since she left. “But I couldn’t calm down, so I called Ben from bed and told him my theory” (Green 153). This got me so frustrated because Quentin is over estimating his theory. This book is a really nice, but it has profanity and inappropriate words. It usually occurs at least one time per chapter. Also there are emotional parts, that it will make you want to punch someone and there’s places where action occurs because when Quentin is driving things get out of control. There is a lot of twist on the story and theirs place that you have to reread or read slower. It’s a good book just some parts are hard to understand.

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