Star Girl by Jerry Spinneli | Teen Ink

Star Girl by Jerry Spinneli

September 22, 2017
By Ashlyn_Vallejo BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Ashlyn_Vallejo BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Stargirl is a young adult fiction written by Jerry Spinelli about a  new girl that moved to town and has changed everything. I would personally recommend this book because it has a lot of visual descriptions. The descriptions helped create vivid images of what was going on in the book for me. “ A good minute passed as he said nothing, inviting us into our thoughts” (Spinelli pg 75) I chose this quote because it really makes you think, like how does somebody invite you into your own thoughts? The plot was very strong and unexpected, it was very detailed of any event big or small. You could branch off with about one hundred different thoughts from one sentence. Spinelli really knows how to use his words. At times it was hard for me personally to comprehend what he was really trying to say but I got the jist. I learned a lot from this book. One thing I learned is to never try and be like everybody else or try and make somebody like everyone else. “ I never saw her look in a mirror, never heard her complain” (Spinelli pg 53). One idea I had when reading this was we need to accept anybody no matter how different they might be. Trying to make somebody be like everyone else can cause conflicts and maybe even ruin some relationships. I realized that this book points out something that most people do not like to talk about, we all want to change something about us. We are not ever satisfied with who we really are, we always want to be like the people in the magazines. In reality, some of the people in the magazines want to be like us, they want to live a normal life and have some peace and quiet. In conclusion, we can live a happy life by believing and accepting who we really are.

The author's comments:

I had to do this for a school assignment.

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