Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie by David Lubar | Teen Ink

Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie by David Lubar

March 2, 2017
By Anonymous

The book I will be reviewing today is called Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie and it is by David Lubar. The genre of the book is young adult fiction and I believe teens should only read it. The setting takes place in a modern-day high school.


In the story, the main character is a boy named Scott Hudson. Scott is a 15-year old that is just starting out high school. Scott's personality is mostly happy and he loves to learn new things every day.  He especially loves to read and write!! Scott is not really described physically, but instead, we learn about him based on his actions. Scott has a really strong relationship with the minor characters aka his friends Kyle, Patrick, and Mitch.

The minor characters in the story are all described differently in the book. Patrick is described as always making fun of Scott for reading. Mitch i one of the three closest childhood friends with Scott along with Patrick and Kyle. In the story, Mitch quickly gets a girlfriend and basically always ignores his friends from that point on. Kyle is described as very athletic, he has been friends with Scott the longest, but later grows apart with him and always hangs out with kids on his wrestling team.

In the beginning, Scott and his friends start J.P. Zenger high school and quickly realised that it is nothing like middle school. An interesting part of the story is that Scott realises a girl named Julia has changed and starts falling in love with her the instant he sees her. The problem is that Scott is scared to talk to her and doesn't know how to find a way to approach her. Spoiler alert!!! Scott stops liking Julia and likes another girl named Lee and they become boyfriend and girlfriend. At the end of the book, Scott's Mom convinces Scott to go to the dance instead of the hospital, then later decides to go and see his new baby brother.

I believe that it is a good book and that it is funny how Scott just wants to get through high school. He explains all the difficult parts throughout the story. I didn't like how he and his best friends got broken apart and I believe the author should have just kept them all together throughout the book.

The author's comments:

this is just an assignment that my teacher gave me 


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