Max the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick | Teen Ink

Max the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick

March 2, 2017
By Anonymous

This book is fiction but gives you a sense of hope
And a sense of humor. You learn a few different life lessons
You are important. No matter how big or small you are you can still make a difference, and friendship is a very important lesson.

Friendship is important because they are your companion and when you have no one to talk to you they are there. They keep you safe and give you the best advice. They are there when you are all alone and feel like the whole world is against you. Though we must face that in reality it's hard to find a honest and loyal friend.

Anyone can make a difference on this planet. No matter what size, shape or age. In Freak the mighty  Freak AKA, Kevin has a disability that left him partially paralyzed and he still puts up with bullies every day and he stands up for Max. That makes a huge difference because it impacts Max? life, his mood, and his attitude.

You are important; everyone was put on earth for a reason. It doesn't matter if you are all put on earth for the same reason. We all do things differently and we have a different way of accomplishing things. Kevin,though was worthless to the bullies and could barely walk, was one of the funniest and sweetest characters. These are great traits people should have. So, therefore, nobody is worthless.

Lastly, this book is a great way to represent who you should be as a person.
It is a remarkable way to show how Rodman Philbrick can visualize about this book. He gives us vivid details about how you can be a good friend and a kind person. That you are important and you should be heard. Stand out as a person

The author's comments:

I read this book Twice and I still love it no matter how much I re-read it.


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