Tyrell | Teen Ink


January 25, 2017
By ALANSOTO13 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
ALANSOTO13 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
sometimes the hardest thing and the easiest thing are the same

In the book tyrell, tyrell is a good and bad kid in the way that  he is bad is because he gets in trouble  in school and get suspended.He is good kid in this way because he can control his anger not all the time but most of the time.

Tyrell lives with his mom and brothers in bronxwood. Tyrell is struggling he has no money and no stable home. Just a kid trying to make it. Trying to help his mom but no one hires him in no job.

His dad got locked up behind bars. That's why he is living with his mom and brothers and he is trying to help his mom in any way he can. Tyrell mom is worried about tyrell at school and so many other things and most of all him on the streets. Tyrell is not worried about school.

I really recommend this book to all teens and adults to read this book. This book has taught me to not believe everything that is told. If you really into this book there's a second part Bronxwood is the next book like tyrell.


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