Sky Raiders by Brandon Mull | Teen Ink

Sky Raiders by Brandon Mull

May 24, 2016
By curry30 BRONZE, Salem, Utah
curry30 BRONZE, Salem, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Five Kingdoms is the first book in a series of five. I like Five Kingdoms by Brandon Mull so much because it takes place in some made up exotic place called Brady’s Wilderness where you can make objects out of nothing.

The book starts out on Halloween, when Cole and his friends go to a haunted house. They go down to the basement where Cole sees strange things, so he kicks the light out right as kidnappers try to take him and his friends.  Cole barely escapes. He sees where they take his friends into a big hole where they jumped down so Cole jumps. He wakes up in the outskirts of a land he has never heard of and now he has to save his friends and find a way to get home. He gets taken as a slave and meets Mira. Together, with the magic of the outskirts, they try to save Cole’s friends.

A really cool thing about the book is the weapons they use and have. Cole has a sword that enables him to fly for a certain distance and a bow that never runs out of arrows. The way it’s described in the book is, “It’s a sword but when you point it at something and yell away it’ll pull you in that direction.” My favorite one is Jace’s golden rope. It can shoot out, wrap around things, and kill them. With these weapons, they have to kill various monsters and it helps them when they try to escape.

Jace is probably my favorite character, because he is funny. Also, at the same time he is really serious and a fierce warrior. He knows how to fight and has been doing it his whole life. With his golden rope to help him, he is unstoppable. He also is really smart especially with strategy of fighting.

Five Kingdoms is definitely a fiction and a fantasy book. I really loved this book because the author has a crazy but awesome imagination that makes the book so good. For example they go to Brady’s Wilderness where it feels like you’re in a dream, “Chocolate chip cookies the size of hula hoops floating in a pond gave Cole his first warning something was out of the ordinary.”

The theme of the book is to never give up and stay loyal. Cole never gave up no matter what, and he is loyal to his friends. It would be easy for Cole to save himself and give up but he stays loyal and won’t abandon his friends.

The book was really funny and there was not anything I disliked about it. It’s an intense book that's hard to put down. Brandon Mull has written many great books that are all amazing like Candy Shop Wars and Fablehaven. This is by far my favorite of his and one of the best book I have read.  I can’t wait to read the rest of the series.

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