Harry Potter by J.K Rowling | Teen Ink

Harry Potter by J.K Rowling

May 3, 2016
By Ashley_W7 BRONZE, Williamsport, Ohio
Ashley_W7 BRONZE, Williamsport, Ohio
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J.K. Rowling is a genius. Well, at least it seems like it. She is the author of the magical book series “Harry Potter”. The first book of the series “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone” was published in the United States on June 26, 1997. It later became known as “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”. The last book of the series “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” was released on July 21, 2007. In the years between, five other books were published. All seven books come together to tell the story of the most famous wizard of that time and possibly the most famous wizard ever. The main character, Harry Potter survived an attack by Voldemort. Now, Voldemort isn’t any ordinary wizard. He died and then came back to life. He also split his soul into seven pieces. Voldemort did this so it is extremely harder to kill him. If you kill his main body, he can still live if all the other pieces haven’t been killed yet. He kills people like they are nothing. One day, he went to Harry’s house to kill him and his parents. Harry’s parents did everything they could to protect him. Harry was only a newborn at the time. Although, Voldemort killed his parents. When he went to kill Harry, something happened. The curse rebounded and almost killed Voldemort. He disappeared for years after that. The only thing left on Harry from that attack was a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt. Harry lived with his aunt an uncle after that night. They were mean to him and never told him he was a wizard. He didn’t know he was a wizard until his 11 birthday. Another wizard named Hagrid came to get him to take him the wizarding school called Hogwarts. Harry was in shock when Hagrid told him this. What would you do if someone just told you that you were a wizard? I would be in shock too. Harry always had weird things happen when he was a kid but he never thought of the possibility of him being a wizard. As far as he knew, he never knew that they existed. His aunt and uncle told him that his parents died in a car crash, not a wizard attack. Harry went to Hogwarts. The school was the best experience Harry ever had. Throughout the years, Harry meets many friends and faces many obstacles. Some of those obstacles were Voldemort himself. In the last book, the final battle between Voldemort and Harry happens. You won’t believe what happens!! Harry….. actually, I’ll just let you read the book and find out yourself.  All the books were turned into movies. The last book is so amazing, that it had to be split into two movies. The books are the most descriptive books I’ve ever read. J.K. Rowling makes you feel like you’re really there with the characters. She really knows how to keep the audience interested. I think everyone should read this series because there is something for everyone. There is romance, adventure, action, mystery, fantasy,and everything in between. Both the books and the movies are phenomenal. This is my favorite book and movie series. I’m thrilled that soon there will be a spin-off movie coming out soon. It will be called Fantastic Beasts. I’ve been so sad that the Harry Potter series is over but I’ve been so happy when I heard about the spin-off. If you find yourself bored one day or trying to find a good book to read to pass time, definitely read this series. It will turn from just something to pass time to your favorite thing to do and you will find time to read it because you just have to find out what happens next. But, you HAVE to read the books before you watch the movies. Yeah i know a lot of you say that it is just easier to watch the movies first. Although, with this series it is not. There is a lot that happens in the book that they don’t include in the movies or details in the book that you need to know to make the movie make more sense. Once you read all the books, you can binge-watch all movies in one day. This series will definitely change your life like it did mine.

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