The Ghosts Of War by Ryan Smithson | Teen Ink

The Ghosts Of War by Ryan Smithson

April 1, 2016
By nathankindschi BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
nathankindschi BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
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The Ghosts Of War book review
This book the Ghosts Of War is about a boy that wanted change, but he knew if he did not fight who would?   answer was him, he wanted to be in the Army, so he could change how the War of Terror went; he may be one person, but one person can do a lot and change many events throughout history. He than signs up for the Army  and soon realises how hard being a soldier really is, but he never second guesses himself and keeps training until he is ready for the real challenge, the battle field. But, as expected, the battle field is not an easy going adventure -- it’s dirty and full of pain and death, from the lost and starving animals to the destroyed and abandoned villages and their equally hurt villagers, he soon realises the United States are not the real ones being hurt from this war, it’s the native people of the Middle East that are!
So as you can see this is a war book about a person who wanted change. The theme is war and to an extent love or romance with his fiancee Heather. They
get married in the book, but since he is in the Army, it is a long distance relationship which has its troubles.
In this book I learned that we can not take our freedom for granted in this country and that soldiers have a very hard time training and putting their lives on the line, but they have the will always do it for their country. 
In my opinion this one of my favorite books I have ever read, it has a lot of facts about the tools and gear they use, and it is not biased about how each side feels. The book  shows the pain the people in the Middle East feel and how we get angry and mourn our losses. Well, the People don’t have the time to do such things or else they will be the ones being mourned. Sense the Terrorists did 9/11 and kill american soldiers with no mercy why should we show them any but you realise why should we take it out on the people they have not done anything wrong. This book was well worth the time to read, and that is rare for me to say because I don’t read too much, but this book was very good, and if you like war books you will like this book too.

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school did it!

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