Holes By: Louis Sachar | Teen Ink

Holes By: Louis Sachar

March 14, 2016
By Anonymous

    The book Holes is related to the movie called Holes, but I think reading the book is better than seeing the movie. The book is about a boy named Stanley Yelnats, who had to go to a camp named Camp Green Lake which is for kids who do bad things, but they are not going to jail. Stanley went there because he stole famous shoes. While he was there, he meets a shy kid named Zero, who did not talk to anyone and had no friends. Stanley and Zero were digging in the same hole and they hit something hard. They found out it was a chest full of gold. The chest had Stanley’s name on it. They decided they would both take half of the gold and they became best friends after that.
Some stuff the author uses in the book holes was symbolism. Sachar uses items to describe what they are using in the story. Sachar also uses symbolism to show what is happening in the story. The author also uses simile in the book. He compares things together to show how the story had lots of things in common. Mostly, Sachar would compare people to each other in the story.
I like this book a lot because I liked the adventure and friendship. This was a good adventure and friendship book. It was fun to read about Stanley’s adventure at Camp Green Lake. While Stanley was there, he had some ups and down, but when it was all over, Stanley had a great time. I hope you guys read this book because if you want to read a book on friendship and adventure, you should read this book. If you don’t want to read the book, you can find the movie which is also called holes.


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