Life of Pi by Yann Martel | Teen Ink

Life of Pi by Yann Martel

January 11, 2016
By Anonymous

Life of Pi Review
Dear Readers,
       Life of Pi, by Canadian author Yann Martel, is an amazing story about a boy and his journey with a surprising partner. I would categorize this book as fantasy and nonfiction with it’s plot, setting, and outcome of the story. The story takes you to the Pacific Ocean where the main character is put into a life changing experience where he does not know if he will make it out alive.
       I really enjoyed this story by Yann Martel and I would recommend to anyone. The story starts off a little slow and gives you a lot of information about the main character, Piscine Molitor Patel, Pi for short. Pi is telling the story looking back at it. He is a very smart Indian zoologist who is faced with moving to America when he was young. Pi and his family own and operate an Indian Zoo throughout Pi’s childhood and early school days in India. During his trip Pi faces a conflict that not many people face. His boat to the USA gets in a storm and Pi is forced to take a life raft with only animals. One of these animals happens to be a 450 pound tiger. I do not want to share too much more info and spoil the book. The majority of the book takes place while Pi is on the raft in the ocean. The setting of his raft floating the middle of the Atlantic Ocean presents many problems and difficult choices for Pi. I like how the author made Pi think about these choices he had to make. Pi is very smart and the writing makes you truly care about his choices, almost like you have a say. The setting does also contributes to the depth of the personality of Pi. He is really in a situation that tests you mentally, and physically. I especially like Overall, Life of Pi is a extremely good book and if you have not yet, read it. It will intrigue any type of reader for a good read.


This article has 1 comment.

99halle said...
on Jan. 12 2016 at 12:22 pm
99halle, Waterford, Other
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Favorite Quote:
"Reality is a nice place, but I wouldn't want to live there, " -Owl City

I agree with your poinion