I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga | Teen Ink

I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga

January 6, 2016
By JuliaHupp BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
JuliaHupp BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I Hunt Killers is the ultimate mystery book, filled with suspense and the many questions that will flow into your head. This is the kind of book you will not want to put down until you find out what happens next.

Jasper Francis Dent, mainly known as Jazz, who is the son of the world’s most notorious killer William Cornelius Dent, popularly known as Billy Dent. Billy killed roughly 123 people, until he was captured by the sheriff, G. Williams. Billy was sent to the Wammaket State Penitentiary, and Jazz started to live alone with Gramma Dent.

Four Years later, Jazz is now seventeen years old. He is struggling to fit in with everyone else in Lobo’s Nod. He has one best friend who is a hemophiliac named Howie, and a girlfriend named Connie. While Jazz is just trying to live a normal life, murders are happening again. Jazz is suspicious, and believes it is a serial killer. No one will believe him, so Jazz tries to prove that he is right by finding clues about each and every murder. Jazz believes by doing so, people won’t think that he will grow up to be just like his dad. He wants to prove them wrong, and maybe this will give him a chance to feel like a completely ordinary and normal person.

This is an excellent novel, with details that you can visualize so clearly, it feels like you are there. Chills will crawl up your spine, and the suspense is agony. One thing you should know about Jazz Dent is that his father trained him to have a serial killer mind, and how to kill people and even hide the evidence. Jazz will use his mind to figure out who the killer is, and it only gets more and more suspenseful as you keep reading this novel.

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