An Inconvenient Truth | Teen Ink

An Inconvenient Truth

February 10, 2009
By Gianni Ortega BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
Gianni Ortega BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An Inconvenient Truth stresses Al Gore's argument over one of the major issues we are dealing with today, global warming. The formal vice president of the United States won a Nobel Prize for his efforts of attempting to spread alertness of our changing weather patterns due to the effects of manmade gasses and activity. Gore not only does a tremendous job of explaining the global warming issue but he also adds images and graphs that allows the reader to visually see exactly how our climate is dramatically changing. Al Gore states the fact that we are doing very little as a whole to prevent the further effects of global warming and that if we don't act now it will be too late in the future and our kids will be the ones who suffer.
The book discusses problems such as a dire increase of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere and how ten of the hottest years recorded on earth have been in the last 14 years. Gore's concept of storms increasing in duration and intensity since the 1970's is due to the excess amount of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere which causes the ocean temperature to rise causing larger storms.


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