Generation Me | Teen Ink

Generation Me

February 8, 2009
By Karen Chen BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Karen Chen BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Twenge, the author of Generation Me, has gone far beyond just theories about our current generation, but has actually proven through numerous statistics why today's young Americans act they way they do: bold, daring, confident, yet lonely and anxious. Twenge's scientific research approach has brought acute accuracy that makes her book one of a kind and highly valued.

Readers can expect to find many insightful connections between how this generation was raised and the way they act. Those born after the baby boomers are very ambitious and confident yet they often feel lost and depressed. This generation faces much more stress than any other generations. Dramatic changes in social behaviors such as sex, women roles, marriages, and raising children are all explained in Generation Me. Twenge keeps the book interesting by explaining these scenarios through funny anecdotes, pictures, and interviews.

Not only have social barriers been altered but the amount of stressful situations and challenges have risen tremendously in this generation. Twenge plunges into great detail on the fears and challenges this century's young adult's face. She covers a wide variety of topics such as expectations all the way to cost of living.

Over all Twenge does a wonderful job in summarizing today's society though her extensive amount of research. Over 1.3 million people were used in studies that provided Twenge with accurate evidence to support her ideas. The only complaints about this book would be her tendency to use too many similar situations and stories to get her point across. None the less, the vast amount of research she put into Generation Me clearly makes this book sparkle.


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