Go Ask Alice | Teen Ink

Go Ask Alice

February 9, 2009
By Madison Corwin BRONZE, Cavecreek, Arizona
Madison Corwin BRONZE, Cavecreek, Arizona
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Go Ask Alice is a true story in the diary of a teenage girl who uses drugs. It shows the hard ships people go through trying to stop using drugs and the many things you do for drugs.

Alice has always been quiet, isn't comfortable with her self, and doesn't have any friends. So when Alice moves she thinks she might be able to change that. While she is visiting her grandmother over the summer, She meets a couple people and they invite her to a party. At the party Alice has a coke laced with LSD. That's when everything goes downhill. She starts doing drugs and wants to stop but can't. She doesn't want to tell her parents in fear of getting in trouble.

This book was good in showing what it's like to try and get off drugs. It was sad and some parts were hard to read. Over all I would rate this book a 3 out of 5 stars because some of the parts were boring. I would recommend it to people because even though I rated it low it still was a good story.


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