A Child Called It by Dave Pezler | Teen Ink

A Child Called It by Dave Pezler

September 10, 2015
By jaf26 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
jaf26 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
real girls aren't perfect, perfect girls aren't real

Dave Pezler comes out and talks about his past. It’s very disbursing to know that a 10 year old boy would have to go through this at such a young age. No one should have to go through what he went through. Dave thinks positive and gets through the abuse.
     At 10 years old, David Pezler is living in an abusive dark hole. He lives with his mother, father, and brothers. When he was younger, David had a very normal life. His parents took him everywhere, he was treated like a king, and they loved him. His all so good life turned into an abusive nightmare. David’s mom beat him until he was black and blue. When he didn’t do something right, the punishments were an ice bath, “the clorox gas chamber,” and the most common on, beatings. When he got a little bit older, his mom started starving him as a punishment. He went 10 days without food. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he started stealing food from kids in his class. David and his dad were really close when he was young, but now is not in his life and he made fake promises.
     I really enjoyed reading this book, it had me thinking about how grateful I am to have loving parents. At some points in the book it got a little bizarre. I can’t wait to read more of David Pezler’s books.
     Overall, this book was very inspiring. It also taught me a life lesson as well, be grateful for what you have and never say that your life sucks because there’s also someone going through something much worse then you. I would definitely buy and read more of his books!

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