A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer

September 9, 2015
By Bigbone BRONZE, Charelston, West Virginia
Bigbone BRONZE, Charelston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Child Called ''It''
Dave Pelzer

A Great and Emotional Book
This book is about a young kid named Dave Pelzer.  In this book Dave was beaten over years and rewedded his childhood.  The so called games got worse and worse as time went on. Some of the things his mother did were just messed up.
This book was set in Daly City, California 1973.  In the begging of this book Dave and his  family were just like any family until his mom became an alcoholic. Then his mom started punching and slapping him and calling him a bad boy. He had chores everyday and he was timed. if he didn't finish in time he would of been beaten. Each day he was beaten more and more also they got worse. Some of the games she played with him were just cruel. The theme of this book in my opinion is dont beat children.
I personally liked the book.  It taught me what some kids go through and dont beat children. It was also very interesting because you didnt know what would happen next.  In some ways I didnt like the book mainly because some of the things were just very messed and weird.  I would read more from this author because I what to learn more about him.  I would definitely recommend this book to others because people can learn a lot about child abuse.
           In conclusion A Child Called It was about a young boy who was beaten by his mother.  It took place in Daly City, California 1973.  This was an amazing story about one kids life.  That is why I give it 4.5 stars.

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