An Abundance of Katheries by John Green | Teen Ink

An Abundance of Katheries by John Green

September 9, 2015
By Kcarr BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Kcarr BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book takes place during present time, located in

Gutshot,Tennessee.The setting influenced the plot, because of the trip to Tennessee. This book is nonfiction, and I'm sure there are some people that could easily relate to it. It is written in third-person, and you learn many different things about each of the characters.
Colin Singleton is a child prodigy who has a thing for
girls namedKatherine. Being dumped by the 19TH Katherine, Colin who is heartbroken decides to go on a road trip with his best friend Hassan Harbish. Colin is hoping to find his “eureka” moment, and trying to create a mathematical theorem to any relationship.
This book is a must read for teens! I enjoyed this book
a lot, and I recommend it to any John Green fan, or anyone who likes comical/love novels. It is a page turner, something interesting is happening on each page.
An Abundance of Katherine's relates to most of Green’s
other books: Paper Towns, The Fault in our Stars, and Looking for Alaska. These all are about love, and finding yourself. I have read most of Green’s books, and they are all wonderful! Mostly, the theme for An Abundance of Katherine's is to go outside your comfort zone, and to never be afraid to try something new. I encourage everyone to read this book, it really is great!

The author's comments:

I read this book for my summer reading book for my 8th grade English class. I was kinda dreading to read the book, but it turned out to be REALLY good. 

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