A Great And Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray | Teen Ink

A Great And Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray

August 21, 2015
By Ceci47 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Ceci47 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
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      Review of the Book A Great and Terrible Beauty
The reason I started to read A Great and Terrible Beauty was because the cover wasn’t that interesting, but I knew that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, I wanted to see if the book would be more interesting than the cover. The book was boring when I began to read it, but then the book started to get quite interesting when the main character named Gemma started seeing visions of the future. She is also the narrator of the story. I thought the book was going to be about a girl trying to get through life and to do her best to get notice, but it took a huge turn when she discovers that she has this special power that changes her life. I thought that her having this power would help her in life to get along with others and be respected by her bullies. Instead she uses her powers the wrong way by sharing them with some of her friends, but by doing this  they start telling her what to do and if she doesn’t they feel she is trying to keep all of the power to herself. She should have kept her powers to herself and used it wisely.
She also learns that Circe is after her to use her powers to get back to the realms and use the realms powers to become stronger. She figures out that Circe went to the same school as her and her real name was Sarah Rees-Toome. She should have focused on trying to figure out how to defeat Circe. When her family came to visit she didn’t really care about her family when she should have. After her mother’s death her family started to fall apart and they didn’t get along with each other anymore. Her father started to get very ill and she could have helped her father get better, but instead she cared about how her family was treating her. 
Her friends start to turn against her because she didn’t want to take them to the realms anymore and they thought she wanted to keep all of the powers to herself when in fact the powers belong to her and no one else. She should have tried to explain what was going on to change their minds about going back to the realms because of the dangers that were hidden in the realms. The Darkness was another enemy of hers that wanted to take over the realms and use it in the normal world to take it over. If she had try to explain then the Darkness wouldn’t have taken over the realms and almost killing them. Luckily she was able to defeat the Darkness, but still needs to find Circe.
The part I liked the most was the end when she says “Across the ravine, I see her in the dry crackle of leaves. A deer. She spies me and bolts through the trees. I run after her, not really giving chase. I’m running because I can, because I must. Because I want to see how far I can go before I have to stop.” It feels that she knows she must still use her powers even when she doesn’t want to use them. Over all it was pretty good and quite interesting. It took big turns and surprised you of what the truth really was. It keeps you hooked on until the end of the book, there may be parts where you just want to stop reading it, but you will be glad that you didn’t.

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