Wonder Essay by Rj Palacio | Teen Ink

Wonder Essay by Rj Palacio

May 4, 2015
By 1414ajs SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
1414ajs SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The book Wonder has definitely changed my perspective.  Before reading this book if I saw someone like Auggie I would have definitely reacted differently. The character I think I would have reacted similar to would be Charlotte. In the book August says when he meets Charlotte “she gave me a quick wave, a smile, and said nice to meet you”. If I were to meet someone like Auggie I probably would have done something similar. Normally when meeting someone I would shake his or her hand but I would most likely be a little shy around someone like August. Charlotte was trying her best to be nice to Auggie but she didn’t become friends with him, I would most likely do the same and stay my distance when I wasn’t forced to be with him. Charlotte wasn’t necessarily unkind to Auggie she just didn’t become one of his close friends, another thing I would have done.

Before reading, Wonder I am sad to say at first glance I would have looked at someone with facial deformities and assumed he or she had special needs. I am embarrassed to say that I would just assume that since I have read this book. I realize that me assuming such a thing is completely rude and judgmental. I would not have worried about how they felt when I stared at them for something they could not control. I wouldn’t picture myself in their shoes and think about how they face being stared at wherever they go. Like Charlotte I wouldn’t give them a handshake. I just didn’t give my actions any thought and poor people like Auggie had careless and unaware people doing things all the time that made him feel bad about himself while he had no control over it.

After reading this book I would most definitely react differently to someone like August. This book has showed me that someone with a facial deformity and someone without a facial deformity are the same as someone with blonde hair and someone with brown hair. I would now not look down upon someone like August but I would actually look up to him or her because I can now realize their struggles and understand how hard it must be to be the person who stands out and has the deformed face. I feel this book has made me see someone like Auggie in a much clearer way. Wonder has really shown me that people who are different and stand out turn out to be some of the strongest people on the inside.

One example from the book that I would react differently to after reading the book would be the way Charlotte reacted to Auggie the first time she met him. As I stated in the beginning before reading this book I think I would have reacted in a similar way to Charlotte, give August a quick wave and smile. Now instead of not being overly welcoming and just giving him a little wave I would shake his hand, smile, and say “Hi I’m Alison, nice to meet you August”. I would try to be especially friendly towards him because he was new to the school and didn’t know anyone. I would try to treat him like anyone else and not stare at him. I’m sure if all the people at August’s school treated him that way Auggie would be much happier and have a lot easier time.

Another example from “Wonder” that I would react differently to after reading this book would be when Charlotte secretly told Jack about the war and why everyone wasn’t talking to him. Again I think before reading this book I would have reacted in the same way as Charlotte and try to help but still not tell people that I was helping Jack. I would have known that what was going on wasn’t right but I wouldn’t do much about it. Now since I have heard what was going from Auggie and Jack’s perspectives I would be on Jacks side and not care what people thought about me because I would be doing the right thing.

Overall I am very happy I read the book Wonder. I would have never given as much thought about people like Auggie if I hadn’t read this book. I think what really helped me realize how we are the same was seeing it from the same perspective as the person with the deformed face. Only seeing someone with a deformed face does not really make me think about how it must feel to be him or her. Hearing Auggie’s thoughts and feelings is what really made me understand how hard it must be to have a face like his. I feel it would help not only me but also many other people to understand how they react can effect people like August if they read the book so they could hear it from Auggie’s point of view. Wonder has changed my attitude towards people like August, and I am very thankful for that.


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