The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan | Teen Ink

The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

January 20, 2009
By Anonymous

The Pilgrim’s Progress, written by John Bunyan, is a tale of a man looking for redemption. He starts off from the City of Destruction on a journey to Heaven’s Gates. Along the way he comes across many obstacles. John Bunyan was put in prison for preaching his faith for 12 years. It was during this time that he wrote this book.
The path that Christian must follow is long and narrow. There are many places he could stray from the path. Countless people and beings try to sway him from the path he follows. In one instance, the monster Appolyon, representing the Devil, tries first to persuade Christian to turn back, but when that doesn’t work he tries to kill him.
In the end, over a long period of time, Christian overcomes all the temptations and reaches Heaven. God receives him with open, loving arms. Pilgrim’s Progress is a book that we all could learn valuable lessons from. Often we underestimate or disregard the evil in our world. We need not give in to temptation. We need to stand firm in our faith and know that we will never have a burden that is impossible to carry.
The Pilgrim’s Progress is a marvelous story of redemption and overcoming worldly temptations. Addressing every aspect of human nature and divine companies, this is a tale you will never forget. It can be life-changing experience. The Pilgrim’s Progress has been printed and read more than any other book except the Bible.

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