Mockingjay | Teen Ink


December 8, 2014
By Jared_Walker BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Jared_Walker BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Does Katniss win the war against the capitol? After the bad ending in catching fire Katniss wakes up in district 13. She was there to lead the rebellion against the capitol. District 13 has been prepping for this war and it has finally will begin because of Katniss. District 13 president coin relies on Katniss to be a good mockingjay. Without Katniss, the leader of the revolution, they would have no rebellion against the Capitol. Which is better the book or the movie? In my opinion the book was better than the movie.

The differences between the book and the movies are first the book completed the entire story of the mockingjay. Second, the movie skipped the part about Katniss?s prep team being captured. Third, the prep team wasn?t even in the movie like how they were in the book. Fourth, the book had tattooed schedules on each person of 13. And in the movie there was no scene where this was shown. Fifth, Katniss had different requests compared to the book. She didn’t demand the room with the view of the forest like in the book.

Actor choices  . A director choice that I didn’t like was splitting the movie into two parts. A director choice that I liked was showing one of the main action scenes which was the bombing of the hospital. A director choice that I also didn’t like was not showing one of the other action scenes like the battle in district 2.
Things that I would have done instead.

I would have had the movie in one part instead of splitting it into two. I would also have had put in more thrillers like another good action scene.  I would have made the scene where Katniss gets the new compartment that has the nature view. The book was better because there were more thrillers in it. And also, even though it was a book I visualized better scenes compared to what was shown. The book had more action and conflicts between characters which made it better also. 

My opinion on the book was that it was very long, but it had a lot of visuals in the chapters. My opinion of the movie was that the ending was very junk. But my opinion of the book was that it was very good to see how the series ends. I think you should read the book first then the movie. I recommend the book because if you like fights there are many in the book. And when you are finished you should watch the movie to see the differences between the two. It would be a good experience to watch and read the book the Mockingjay to see how the hunger game series ends.

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