Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

December 5, 2014
By babbyara SILVER, Keaau, Hawaii
babbyara SILVER, Keaau, Hawaii
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“They'll either want to kill you, kiss you, or be you.” Katniss Everdeen is still alive and well. She joins the rebels in District 13 against the capitol and struggles becoming the Mockingjay.  During this struggle, she tries to be a great leader, rescue Peeta, and fight against the capitol. Truthfully, I enjoyed the movie more than the book because it was easier for me to visualize the scenes.
In the book “Mockingjay” the scene opens in district 12 when she was in her house and saw all the burned down buildings. In the movie, they open up with Katniss in district 13 when she wakes up in the hospital. The second difference that I noticed was that Katniss and President Coin, leader of rebellion, didn’t have a lot of interactions with each other. In the movie, Coin doesn’t demand Katniss to be Mockingjay as much as in the book. The third difference that I noticed was that while Katniss agrees to be the Mockingjay, she has conditions. In the movie, she asks for much less, simple things such as letting her sister keep her cat, Buttercup and letting Peeta be an equal when he returns to district 13. The last difference that I know of, is that in the book, The prep team is still alive, including Effie,Venia, Flavius, and Octavius. In the movie, only Effie is shown. I think that the director should’ve added more romance to the movie and I think that Katniss should have acted more dramatically when the capitol bombed the hospital in district 8. The movie ends when Peeta is in a room strapped up after he strangled and attacked Katniss.
My opinion is that you should watch the movie if you are not creative because it gives you better imagery, it helped me understand the plot better. If you are creative and imaginative, you should read the book because you can imagine the story more effectively.


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