The Chosen by Chaim Potok | Teen Ink

The Chosen by Chaim Potok

December 4, 2014
By Ayala Lewis BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Ayala Lewis BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Review: The Chosen
Reuven Malter is one of the two protagonist as well as a traditional orthodox Jew. His unlikely friend is Danny Saunders is a Hasid which is a member of a strictly orthodox Jewish sect. ‘[They] lived within five blocks of each other and neither of [them] knew of the other’s existence, until game day. Danny father happens to be the head of a great Hasid dynasty. These two friends grow up in Brooklyn, New York after world war two and have to deal with the conflictions of their rival parents. Their friendship grows over the years and their parents feud becomes demolished.
The Chosen is divided into three books they are all narrated by Reuven Malter. The conflict between the adults began with their school and religious values. Danny goes to his father’s yeshia which is a religious school is that focusses mainly on the study of the Torah and Talmud. Reuven  school is different because his father teaches with a balance between Jewish and education. The situation furthers with the two different ways they raised their kids, David Malter raised his son by supporting him through every decision  and eventually by encouraging Danny as well. However, Reb Saunders is deeply religious and have raises Danny in complete utter silence.
This book shows how two kids come so far to understanding their spirituality, culture, and religion. I highly recommend this classic novel. The story was beautifully written. The connections between Danny and Reuven and then Reuven and his father was just breath taking. I hope if you do get the time to read this, you find it as fascinating as i did.

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